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TotaKeiko got Samus into the snowy place. "See? Earth isnt that bad...and look! Metroid!" Samus took aim at metroid and blew him up.

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((are we still doing pokemon? if we are, I'd like to know everyone's pokemon))

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((I'm a gardevoir. I always liked Gardevoir))

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"I have the move wish too! I can use it all I want! I'm the smartest pokemon of them all!" (Its true. I found it on the Pokedex of Sapphire in the game)

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((Cool. I can put 1,000 year curses on people according to mine. xD))


"I can use Wish too if I Mimic it." anime said. "I can;t think of what to wish for though...."

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((I'm scared...I dont like curses...lol))


"I wish for cinnamon cake!" All of a sudden, cake appeared. "Tasty!"

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TotaKeiko used confusion to lift Zac up and threw him at a wall. "NEVER SIT ON MY CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" TotaKeiko wished for a new one and ate it.

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"That was meant for me, wasnt it?" TotaKeiko mimiced dragonbreath. "I'll have to take that attack away from you!" TotaKeiko used imprison. "Now, you cant used that attack for awhile!" TK used dragonbreath and hit Zac with a critical hit.

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TK used a string of attacks. First recover, then shadow ball, then psychic and lastly, ice beam. "WOOT!" TK used Destiny Bond last in case Zac counter attacked.

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TK's attacks missed and hit Anime. "OOps..." Destiny Bond still got Zac.

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