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Since metroid wouldn't let TJ go without his autograph, TJ decided it was just best to give in. "FINE, here you go." TJ shouted at Metroid "No more autographs until my manager sets up a set time, and Metroid, if you ever tackle me again, well I will let you guess on what will happen to you."

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Metroid started floating inbetween trees. "What's up, doc?" said Metroid as he pulled a carrot from a tree, which was strange since carrots grow in the ground.

((I'm sorry, this is off topic, but I just have to say that, that really made me laugh, I spit out my drink, it was great!))


TJ hearing metroid float which is odd becuase when you float you don't make noise said..."Psst, Metroid, up here...I might have some money from you if you divert Baby M and tell her that I went that way..okay?"

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Metroid agreed and went down where Baby M was. "Eh, he went that way!" motioning to the left. Metroid then took out a sign that said "Money Season: Two Months" and nailed it into the ground. "Sorry M, you can't hunt or look for people that have a need for money until two months."

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"Thank you" TJ whispered to Metroid, climbing down from the tree. "Now I have 2 months to attempt to earn back all my money, just to pay a lot of people back, here is the last $10 I have that didn't get burnt to a crisp."

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TJ just stood there, "Read the sign." he said to Baby M. I have 2 months to pay you back..and you're just going to have to listen to the law.

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