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TJ shrank even more, and grew even fatter, with "Hidden Power."


Being so small was an advantage.

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Right, TJ was slow but was able to dodge very well.


"AAAhhhh" TJ tried to swim against it but it was to strong..."Oh now the lottery ticket is wet, and TJ ripped it in 1/2 if we are going to fight, no one will get the money.


good thing i wrote down the numbers

ill cash in this ticket and ill get money enough to build a rube gold burg machine


"So," TJ yelled, "I wrote down all the numbers too." TJ bit I pwn YOU's leg, then took off running as fast as he could to the lottery place.


((lol everyone asks that, some of us are pokemon, like anime, I'm wario.. smal fat dude :))


"I will give you 10% of my winnings if you find a way to delay him from getting to the lottery place, okay?" TJ told Fabncun.


Oh yEAh!!??



Take this

Baby M fires a Supersonic blast at TJ Confusing him

Then Baby M Froze TJ with a Blizzard


TJ coughed, *cough* "I was talking about I pwn you" TJ said.


Metroid bought a book from Anime's store. It was the newest book from Rich People Company. Metroid stared at the front cover for a little while before the fact that TJ was on the front cover of the book. "TJ! I NEED YOUR AUTOGRAPH!"



"No, the ice that was around me is now a puddle, I'm a burnt crisp, and all my money was burnt too." TJ said.


"You burnt me to a crisp and all my money too. How am I supposed to pay you?" TJ said angerly to vivi.

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