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*buys a pwnful battle cookie* "Anime? I think I should remember older times with my cookie army..."

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"Yesh, Yesh, A fine Idea, now... HOW MANY COOKIES CAN I BUY WITH A PILE OF TALKING SLIME? Youd better pipe up, or Ill descimate you and steal your little plot of land, no matter how inferior it may be."

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"Oh, I'm so scared of a little curse...but just to be on the safe side here is the money." TJ handed Anime the money, and went back to where the cookies were.

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"A whole 25 cents, why you don't have any sense at all, why should I give you some of mine." After TJ said that he stuck his tounge out at her, and walked away pounding his feet.


((ouch, if you get insulted, let me know and I'll stop, feel free to fire back at me too))

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Being a fat dude TJ didn't need Animes cookies to survive, he had plenty of fat to live off of for a while, and it wouldn't hurt him to loose some weight.

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