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TotaKeiko made TJ fall asleep with hypnosi and then ate his dream with Dream Eater. "Tasty"

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As TJ lies there hopelessly on the floor, not dreaming....


TotaKeiko used Shadow Ball and TJ flew all the way to Tokyo. TJ then got hit by traffic.


That was the thing that did it, "Ouch, what happened to me?" TJ woke up in the middle of the traffic, and got hit several more times before he managed to get out of there.


"Ok... this is out of hand..." anime mumbled. She hit everyone with Flamethrower. "Calm down or I use Fire Blast." she said.


TJ immeditily found a spot in the corner, at Anime's mercy. "Please don't hurt me," he muttered.

(wait is TJ a poke or a person)

(dunno, i'm just going along with this :D)


"All right. Eveyone calm now? Good. I have a new shipment of Evolution stones coming in, so I'll be going now." anime said with a final glare.


Just as Anime left, "OK everyone, who ever helps me rob this place will get in on the cut, who ever doesn't will um...well, we won't say what will happen, so who's in?" TJ said loudly.


(lol yea, thanks)


anime was sorting through the boxes of stones. There was one that she was very careful with, the Fire Stone box, since she'd evolve if she touched one.


Its to late, it already ended badly. Back in the shop, there was an explosion. When TJ tried to open the cash register, it just went up in flames. "Umm, guys, lets not mention this to Anime when she gets back ok?"


And hurrdly put the fire out. "Whew. That was close." she said. On the way back to put the fire bucket up, she tripped and knocked over the newly delivered boxes and they scattered. "Oh, great!" she said.


"hah hah" TJ whispered, "Hey Anime, how was your shipment? Glad your back safely."


"Someone set the fire trap on the cash register off and I knocked over some boxes of Stones..." anime said, picking them up.


"Anime NOOO" TJ shouted "Don't touch that one..." was it to late, had anime already touched it, or did TJ just save her.


"oops" anime said as the stone brushed her paw. She lit up for a few seconds and evolved into a Ninetails.




"Actually." anime asid "This is pretty nice! I feel a good bit stronger."


TJ took this oppurtunity and ran, "I better get out of here since this was all my fault." TJ thought to himself. TJ found himself a nice big hole in the ground to sit in, and think about what he did.


TJ was not able to hear the warning...so he just kept falling and falling, until he found himself in a very strange place.

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