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antiaircraft payed $15 and left to continue digging his underground transport network. "I wonder if TJ would like to invest in it..."

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((Gardevoir.png My new pokemon))


TotaKeiko got the guitar. "This has Twistedspoon in it...It'll power me up!"


"Of course I would," said TJ after surviving all the explosions "I would invest in anything, um...how much money will I make and how fast, details details details."


antiaircraft handed TJ a report with all the details on it.


"TJ likes a lot, here is the money upfront....but I better see profit," TJ said quitly so that no one else would here and try and get on this great deal.


"Done then. Just sign here. Oh, and while you're at it you can help with the advertising."


"NO I ONLY MAKE MONEY" shouted TJ, "I DON'T ACTUALLY WORK FOR IT. Why do you think I stand around Anime all the time, remember the other day, I found a nickel!"


"We need at least some advertising... Hey, maybe anime could help with her shop."


"Oh that is a great idea, spend all our money on advertising, and be left with nothing" TJ said.


*I never should've done this* TJ thought in his head, but just smiled back at antiaircraft


"All we need is one poster or something like that."


Metroid was holding on to paper, scissors, pens, markers, etc. "I can't wait to make Office the Supply Pile!" he shouted. He flew over antiaircraft and TJ and accidently let go of his items. The pile of supplies landed in front of them.


aniem was checking inventory. "Hey, where'd those new art supplies go?" she wondered aloud.


"Here quick, make your dumb advertisment, and get these supplies back to anime before she notices they are gone." TJ ordered antiaircraft. Then TJ muttered "Um...thanks Metroid, I guess."


antiaircraft put up a poster advertising the underground tunnel network, then dug a tunnel under anime's shop and put the art supplies back in. Then he went back to digging.


"Hey antiaircraft, come over here for a second I would like to talk to you."


"Okay" said antiaircraft, bringing a massive briefcase with the initial revenue from their network.


At first getting distracted by the massive briefcase TJ started saying "Umm, what is...." but cought himself and remembered what he was going to say. "So what exactly does this underground tunnel business do?"


"Simple. I build a tunnel network with roads, lighting and toilets and all that other stuff. The tunnels go straight through the Earth, so people can get to places much faster."


"Nice, so now, tell me what is in the briefcase? *rolls eyes*"


"Your share of the profits of course. Actually, you get all the profits, I just enjoy the digging."


"We will be partners for life, so how much money exactly is in the briefcase?"


About US $10000. And that's just for today. The revenue is sure to increase for a while, but when it starts to drop, I'll do some rennovation to boost it.


TotaKeiko walked in. "Are you guys playing with money again? Let me see how much is in there..." TotaKeiko tripped over her dress and accidentally blew up the money with psychic


TotaKeiko's psychic blast triggered the briefcases automatic shielding so the money wasn't harmed.


"Sorry about that. I'm a little clumsy. This dang pokemon dress is very long so I trip easily." TotaKeiko looked at the box. "ooo...High tech..."

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