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Zac watched as Metroid decorated sudowoodothen flew down and handed Vivi a dime..."My contibution to help the needy!"

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Metroid continued to decorate the "tree".

"Aww... you need some water" he said as he absent-mindedly poured water on Sudowoodo. The result of doing this caused Sudowoodo to violently attack Metroid with Rock Throw.


one of the rocks was heading staright for Vivi banana tree,

"I will never allo somethign to harm my tree" As Vivi stood in front of it and hit the boulder with flamethroweer

"Aarrgghh flaming boulder" vivi said as he dived out of the way

The flaming boulder hit teh banana tree and set it alight

"Nooo my tree, why couldn;t had been me" vivi said falling to the floor


Vivi still sad about his burnign banana tree, saw the 2 pennuies, he tries to bite one

"still don't taste like banana" vivi said

vivi finally giot up

"Vivi annoyed, Vivi destroy one who detsroyed my Tree" viv said as he was looking for the culprit


anime watched from under a Petcha Berry bush. "This could get messy... Where's Morgan? She's good at dousing flames..." she tyhough. She ran under berry bushes to find Mrogan before Vivi burned the forest down.


antiaircraft's tunnelling machine came out in the middle of the burning forest. "Hmm... I'd better divert the nearest river to put out the fire." He started to dig a channel from the fire to a nearby river.


antiaircraft finishes digging the channel and water floods in, putting out the other fires.


"Darn it, out of batteries again. Is there a hardware store around here? I need to buy more AAA batteries."


Zac flies over and gives Vivi a christmas card and forced Metroid to sing Happy Birthday


antiaircraft opened his backpack and found some spare rechargeable AAA batteries. "Great! Now I can continue digging!"


Vivi was Greatful for the flooding of the Fire

"but now its time to relax" he says as he hears the "santas coming to town" carol

he followed the sound and Found a Coca Cola lorry with sants face on the side drinking a bottle, he stole a box, and handed everyone a bottle of coke


anime drank one of the sodas. "Ok, no more soda for you." she said to MOP.


*puts sugar cube inside soda and watches it overflow then pours on Metroid...*


((that really does happen you know...))


Metroid was soaking wet from the soda. "The fizzyness! BWAHAHAHA!!" he screamed while going beserk. "The pickle is the ultimate banana! YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!!!"

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