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antiaircraft was digging a tunnel, but accidentally dug it under Ratiki, Metroid and MOP, so it collapsed and everyone fell in.

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antiaircraft's tunnel ended up under the pizza store and collapsed again. "Is there anywhere where I can dig a tunnel without it collapsing?"

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"OK." antiaircraft got a super heat resistant digging machine and started digging a tunnel through the Earth.

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"Aargh! This machine is out of batteries! Does anyone have some batteries I can use?"


((Call me AA))

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antiaircraft quickly put the batteries in and then hit the freeze ray button to stop Zac from getting fried.

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antiaircraft turned on the machine's air conditioning because it was getting too hot. "I wonder how fast this machine can go?"

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((Can I join?


Name: antiaircraft_3

Mission: To aid antiaircraft in digging

Comics so far: None-- I just applied

Description: Another weird reptilian/insectoid thing with an unlimited supply of digging tools. Antiaircraft's partner.))


"Can I help you out?" inquired antiaircraft_3.

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antiaircraft accelerated the machine until it was travelling at 50km/h. "Sure, strap in and turn up the air conditioning."

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"Then go and buy another one and put it in. And while you're at it, get some more AAA batteries. This thing is running out of power."

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