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While pretending to watch Sesame Street, AA surreptitiously nicked all of Mr. M's stuff.

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AA teleported away with all of Mr. M's stuff, include all his backup teleporters. Unfortunately, AA forgot to steal Mr. M's main teleporter.

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"Hey, cool! I'd better sell some of this before it deflates!" AA started stealing everybody's Medieval and selling it.

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AA took out a random doomsday device and *accidentally* dropped a random apple on a random red button, thus beginning the end of the world.

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AA teleported over to the resort where AA3 was holidaying, and booked a hundred rooms for himself. "Aren't holidays fun? Especially when you can just run away at the end and not pay."

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At the end of his holiday, AA ran away without paying, unaware that the hotel would hire bounty hunters to make sure he they got the money.

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AA cackled evilly as he stole the weapons of all the bounty hunters chasing after him, and then flew off to Mars.

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AA watched Earth explode in flame from Mars. "Hmm... that's odd, it was 10 seconds early. Somebody must have pulled out the plug."

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AA pulled out a poking machine surreptitiously. "What's the difference?" he asked, aiming it carefully.

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AA3 saw the poking machine and thought it was a cookie- and sweet-making machine. He grabbed it and turned it on, then collapsed on the floor as it tickled him.

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