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"Well happy birthday in advance!" said AA, starting to plan an evil birthday bash for all the evil masterminds and minions around the world.

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"I pick the empty space of course!" AA said, "I need somewhere to hide my secret fleets of- I mean, it's so pretty."

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"Ahem. You already took your pick, so I pick the empty space, and we'll reserve Earth for a while before we remove all the schools from it."

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AA paused. "We need to reserve some for Dillon. Hmm... you get all the planets except Earth, I get the empty space, so Dillon can have the brainwashed Martians and Earth. That seems about even. Hey, that's my map!"

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AA took out a probe and began analysing the meepits. "You're right, they are truly evil, but they're all yours. I have enough evil for my purposes." He laughed evilly. "I'd better go see what Metroid and the Martian are up to."

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On the way to find Metroid and his Martian, AA popped by one of Dillon's pizza huts. That's odd, normally Dillon runs these places, he thought as he ordered a pizza from a suspicious looking chef.

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"Just a moment." AA pulled out his Metroid detector. "This thing is broken I think. It says that there's a Metroid within a few meters of me, but that would mean there's one in this room. Hmm..." He looked around suspiciously, pinching the chef's wallet as he did so. "Ah well, never mind, I'll just pop by the shop to get this fixed and pop back."

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AA didn't notice the Martian, as he was already heading to the hardware store across the street to get his Metroid detector fixed, while contemplating what he would order when he got back.

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