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"Go!" AA shouted, throwing his net at Metroid. He missed, and the net headed towards Dillon instead. "I knew there was something wrong with this plan." He said as he noticed Dillon's net heading towards him.

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AA couldn't get out of the way in time and was caught by Dillon's net. "Blast! I have been foiled!" He yelled in a ridiculous accent, while putting on a false moustache.

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"You shall feel the might of- Ow! the fury of- OW! I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE!- OWW!!!" AA continued in the accent while Metroid was attacking him.

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AA decided it was time to succumb to his injuries and faint, so he promptly did so.

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AA made a miraculous instant recovery from his injuries, stole all the E3 passes, and flew off.

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Dillon smacked AA on the hand and said"Stealer Stealer with a pass give it back or I'll kick you ***"

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"Well duh!" said AA, stealing AA3's wings and launching missiles at everyone else as he spoke.

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"The world will come to an end because of gaming convention passes" Crash said as he walked of to the E3, Good thing i hid my ticket in my pocket He thought as he walked inside.

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