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AA put on special gloves so that he could play the next round better.

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AA got an idea and turned Crash into a pizza Yooyu, then he dribbled him towards the other goal.

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Dillon looked at AA then went and stole seven plushies from Crash's Plushie Mall!

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((Welcome Back!))


"Its only been...*checks* two years... not its been about a good two or so weeks."Dillon Said.

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"Im sorry that why my motto is ...DONT TRUST TALKING ANIMALS!" Dillon said.

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"You se your own trap. It was for me..... You can trust me." DIllon said *offers Metroid Nip*

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Crash grabbed Zorro and he ran inside his Plushie mall and zapped him into a plushie. "Let's see an inamate plushie bite me oh and the efects of that ray are irreversable" Crash laughed and ran off to catch Dillon.

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the real zorro came and said "That was my clone crash!BWAHAHAHA!!!!"Then zorro went back to his private island."Awwww...a Zorro plushie!"Anna hugs it and gets it since the zorro clone was hers

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AA looked confusedly at everyone, then got a real Yooyu and started to play Yooyuball.

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