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"I don't see them doing that but if you put it that way" He stopped eating and pulled over a chair and watched Metroid suck out Alexander's energy, "GO METROID!!!" Crash yelled.

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Anyways why would Metroid suck my powers when he is my ally, or is he betraying me? But anyways, I'll ask a stupid question: Am I Evil?

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*starts boiling up inside*

"You just compared me to a rock! Rocks are my minions! Petrus Dadus!"

*stones start falling on top of Metroid, Avatar and Crash*

"Do not, I mean NEVER call me Semi Evil you can only call me FULL EVIL!!!"

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Metroid, the flavor of my sword is metal.

Crash, poisonous lollypops are lollypops made of grape and apple. They are very delicious. They just are named poisonous because of their colors.

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