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Hey can you please stop stealing from the stores or its the cops for you 6." I asked. Hey does any one

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AA looked quizzically at Dillon and walked off with a bunch of AAA batteries.

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I need employees for my pizza hut. They get free pizza. " Then you wont have to steal and get arrested" I said



Oh and i steal AA's AAA batteries

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Hey! Why ya do that to my robot.? I asked


My pizza hut is closed down. Due to the rising theft rate. all the pizzas are being sent to starving children in africa. Until the crime rate goes down it shall be closed.



Now to the fun part. Since anime is not here. I am stealing all her St.Patty's day merchandise totaling a wooping 500 dollars

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I will give 10 million dollars for that. And can i get and ANTI-THEFT Sheild with ANTI Metroid protection?

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Fine! I'll do what ever it takes to keep metroid out.


*gives The Avatar 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

00000000000000000000000000001 dollars* ThaT SHOULD cover it and tip

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AA pick-pocketed his AAA batteries back from Dillon and put a Metroid-destroyer cannon in their place. Then he went back to digging.

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I stole AA'a AAA batteries and threw them in to a fire. Oh and heres 10 million dollars AA for the Metroid Destroyer cannon.

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Ok! Well since my shop is closed. Im am gonna break in to Anime's Shop again and steal all of her Metroid Begone. The spray it all over my shop. HAHAHAHA! That what you get for making me clean up you shop when Metroid did it! so :P

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I punch Zac in his face. Then i unlock the closet with my Telekinesis and Eat Metroids Brain!

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"Metroid has a brain?" asked AA as he bought Anime's entire stock of AAA batteries.

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Than what am i eating? I asked

Anime why arent you yelling at me for stealing? I asked"I wanna be in trouble" * whines

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