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Crash walked off and fell in the same hole Luna fell in and landed on top of Luna "Sorry" "Hey the Sydney Opera House is Upside down", Crash stood up "Oh never mind".

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Dillon not wanting to miss out on all the fun jumped through a random hole and ended up in his Pizza hut! o_O o_O

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Dillon not wanting to be shut down asked Metroid the almighty HEALTH INSPECTOR what he wanted... "REMEMBER I HAVE DRINKS" Dillon said

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Crash and Luna rode in the two seater plane "If this is a two seater how come we are cramed in here with 10 lamas?" This caused crash to jump out of the plane and land on the roof of Pizza Hut "Not this place again".

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Dillon afraid Metroid would close him down because of this disturbance quickly went onto the roof and told Crash to get off and come in... " Come In Crash since the health inspector is here you can have FREE pizza." Dillon said.

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Dillon grabbed everything including the Metroid Poison Pizza that makes Metroids very sick and gave it to metroid. and watched Metroid eat the Metroid Poison Pizza.

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With that Dillon took a Crash poison pizza and shoved it down his throat causing crash to randomly teleport for the next 5 hours.

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Crash spit out the pizza and shoved a Dillon Poison pizza down Dillon's throat "I have no idea what that does to you but hey it can't hurt".

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"Ah The Dillon Poison Pizza makes me twice as annoying" Dillon Said " MOP here is you green pepper and peperoni pizza and Alex here is your Dark Magic Pizza with Extra Evil"..." That will be 15 dollars each"

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Dillon stilled had his Porta-Portal and used that just as Crash froze him. Dillon is now on mars.

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Dillon grabbed his porta-portal but it was out of gas! Dillon was trying to find fuel but what fueled it? It was fueled by Pizza. "Nooooooooooooo!" Dillon cried "Oh the irony." Dillon was blasted off of mars right in front of his Pizza hut.

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