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"Well could somebody at least stop this shirt from trying to eat my arm?" The shirt had suddenly formed a mouth with sharp teeth and was frantically trying to reach one of the blob's arms.

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AA felt his knowledge being drained from him. "Oh man!" The shirt then started attacking one of their legs.

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"Well that's all very nice, but how are we going to get up again?" AA looked up worriedly at his old enemies, the books from the library, who were hovering over them threateningly.


((You do remember the books don't you?))

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AA3 caught up with everyone at last. When he saw AAtroid he panicked and zapped ((him or them?)) with a ray gun. The improperly aimed ray headed towards one of the books, which ate it.

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AA leaned left as hard as he could, and with their remaining arm he grabbed a flamethrower and fired it at the books. The books caught fire and got even madder.

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Anna came out of nowhere holding a little fluffy puppy and said "This is Tin Tin she is "the new dog." and zorro is scared of her. watch!" Anna put her on the ground and she followed zorro then zorro ran to AA and said "sccaarrryy..."

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AA ignored Zorro, since he was too busy trying to fend off the books with the flamethrower.

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AA looked up and saw a new bunch of incoming books in waterproof suits. He promptly burned them down with the flamethrower.

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AA missed a book with the flamethrower, instead accidentally igniting the chemicals Mr. M was mixing. There was a massive explosion, but when everything settled down Metroid and AA were separate again. Unfortunately, the books were still there.

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AA ignored the saw, and ran past Metroid at approximately twice the speed of light. The books matched his pace.

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AA attempted to eat a book, but it exploded, killing him again. When he regained consciousness in hell, instead of seeing the hell-hounds waiting for him like he had expected, he saw the books attacking the hell-hounds.

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Meanwhile, AA was busy posing as a waiter in a sushi restaurant in hell to avoid the books.

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Metroid walked into the sushi shop. "It's not what you think. I just like the food here." he said nervously to the waiter. He then tore off the waiter's arm and slapped him across the face with it. "That's how you say hello here, right? Or was that Gloobbyboopboop Land?"

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