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AA frowned for a bit as he pondered which doomsday machine to unleash next. "I wonder where I can stick this bottle. Ah well, there's no room for it anymore, so I'll just chuck it out the window."

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AA heard a faint "Hey!" from outside the window, so he threw another bottle out of it.

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AA decided that he didn't need the 3rd shelf of bottles in the storeroom, so he threw them all out the window as well.

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Dillon gave luna nair.


and said "Use this it will make the hair go away next time dont play with rogain"

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AA looked out the window. "Hmm... this looks like a promising situation." He sprayed a mutation gas over the whole area.

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AA strapped on what he thought was a rocketpack and flew into the air, sticking his tongue out at Luna as he did so. Then he realised that he had strapped himself to an armed nuclear missile.

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The nuke blew up in orbit, where it wouldn't harm anybody, and AA found himself in hell again, staring at the vicious muzzles of several very hungry hell-hounds. "Oh man..."

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Metroid looked around suspiciously. He then floated into space and began collecting what was left of AA. (Which basically, was a couple of hairs and a patch of skin)

"I'm going to clone AA for no particualr reason" exclaimed Metroid as he placed the leftover parts of AA into a complicated machine which defied the laws of nature.

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AA popped back into the normal world just by the controls of the machine, which were promptly smashed by the pursuing hell-hounds.

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AA caught the bone, wondered where it came from since he had an exoskeleton, and proceeded to use it to whack the hell-hounds.

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AA picked up the beetle and threw it at one of the hell-hounds. The hell-hound ate the beetle and grew to ten times its original size.

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AA decided now was not the time to stick around, and activated another rocketpack to escape. He only realised it was a nuclear missile when it blew him up again.

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