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AA3 used the teleporter left behind by AA to get to the Meepit who had stolen AA's stuff and took his wings back. He then ate some of AA's boiled Meepits.

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AA, hearing Metroid's demonic tone, saw the evil potential in him and offered him some boiled meepits.

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Zac popped out of the grass next to them. "I havent been her in for ever!" glancing over at Dillon and AA, "Not fighting, are you?" he asked.

Dillon saw a figure and asked"Have I seen you before?"

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While tossing the boiled meepits to Metroid, AA ordered some of the remaining meepits to find other meepits to cook. Unfortunately, meepits aren't that stupid and they all ran away.

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Dillon smacked the Meepits out of there hands and said" MEEPITS ARE FRIENDS NOT FOOD!" Well actually Dillon shouted

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AA got an idea for his next evil scheme. "That's it! I'll destroy the sun, and at the same time make an artificial one that will be the only source of light and heat available! Then I'll be able to control the entire Solar System!"

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"Why thank you Dillon! Will you join on as my minion? I'll give you 25% of the Solar System."

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