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AA ran over to Dillon's Pizza Hut and slammed the door behind him. "I need 100 bottles of propane gas ((the gas you hook up to a stove)) and a lighter, fast!" Meanwhile the books attacked the door ferociously.

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Dillon gave AA 100 tanks of propane gas tanks and 3 lighters.

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While Dillon was helping AA Crash snuck into the kitche of Dillon's pizza hut.Wow that pizza with all the toppings was good Crash thought,then he started to make another but when he grabbed the cheese he set off an alarm.

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Dillon saw what Crash was doing and set Crash free. Then he said" If you want FREE pizzas just work here don't steal."

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"Ok! It does!"Dillon said to crash.


Then Dillon stared a Luna and was tempted to shout the Griffin and Make Griffin sausage! But he did not since that is wrong!

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"Let see that would be the emerald encrusted crust Pepporoni Pizza! That will be 6 thousand dollars!" Dillon said!

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AA uses his makeshift flamethrower to burn all the books so that people could enter and leave Dillon's Pizza Hut freely, then paid Dillon for the gas and lighters. "Could I have an extra-spicy Mexican pizza with extra chillis on top as well please?" he asked Dillon.

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"Here is you on the house extra-spicy Mexican pizza with extra chillis" Dillon said. " And you didnt say it had to be edible MOP!" :P

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AA tipped Dillon $1000 and ate the whole pizza in one gulp. "Could I have some water with that please?"

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Crash stood in the back making pizza when he saw a box of emarld "Oh yay now i wont have too work here" He took the box and ran out the back door.

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" You can't take that that is theft! I WILL CALL THE COPS!" DILLON EXCLAIMED!

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Before Crash could hear dillon he was almost to his plushie mall "Awwww fine" .He started walking toward the pizza hut.

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Dillon followed crash and tackled him to the ground and took his emerald back! Then he sent crash to his plushie mall penniless and gemless!

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But little did Dillon know Crash had taken about $5,000 dollars out of Dillons pocket and put it into his he then stuck his magic sword into the ground and jumped in a black hole it created.

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Dillon noticed about 5 minutes ago but didnt really care and then he went to bed!

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