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How long did neoquest 2 take you?


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How long did it take you to complete neoquest 2? I'm curious because I have spent SOOOO long on this game and am only on act 3...just wondering if anyone else has this or if I am just spectacularly slow!

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Mainly just depends how long you spend playing the game. Everyone has lives to attend to and probably don't have as much time to play it for a lot of hours you know?


For me...on normal mode it took me around 2-3 months and then evil and insane mode took me one month since I had enough time to just play that xD

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For me, around 2-3 weeks, WHEN I had plenty of time during the holidays. XD NQII is too addicting for me to play when school's going on. :P


However, that's when I spent over 3 hours on it each day. When you're playing, say, leisurely, it might take a while. ;) Good luck!

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Lol, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has spent an excessive amount of time on this. I think I'm on month 5 now! Although I didn't play it for a month because I got so fed up with it!!!


By the way - that's 5 months up to the end of act 3!

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Your first time will most likely be the longest. I've found that evil is actually easier than normal, since you already know where you're going and you know what the monsters all do. I'm still working on InSaNe, though!


Since I played on and off, I don't think telling you how much time it took me to complete Neoquest would be very informative...

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It took me 2 weeks on normal mode and I've playing every day for at least 5 hours. I can't even begin to imagine how insane mode is going to be... I also felt very frustrated by that game and how looong the levels were!

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