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Side accounts


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I hear a lot of people saying they have side accounts on neopets...what are the rules surrounding this? I'd be interested in setting up a side account but I really don't want to get banned...I've put alot of effort into my main account...

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That makes the use of a side account very limiting - if you can't play games or anything that gains np, then my guess would be that you can't trade items or np across from your main account?


So what are the main benefits of having a side account?

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You can trade items and NP from your main account. That's actually the only way you can get the NP onto your side. And the reason I have a side, is so I can have more pets. For example, I have a sea account. On it, I have a Koi, Jetsam, and Flotsam.

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Hmm...that makes far more sense, thank you. And the idea of a second gallery is rather appealing! Can you for example trade a pet across so you can have an avatar pet? I don't want to put any of mine into the pound as I'm rather attached to them! Sorry for the large amounts of questions, I really am paranoid about getting banned!

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You can trade your pets around on your main and sides. One of my pets from my main (I've had 4 pets for years) I transferred to a side, so that I could get involved in the Avatar pet lending on TDN.

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You can't buy things on your side account. You have to buy on your main account and send it to the side.

You can't do anything on the side account that will cause you to get NPs or items


Here's a link to TDN's page on side accounts: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/multiple-accounts/

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