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Stocks advice


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Sorry, second question of the day! I am hopeless at the stock market. I always seem to lose money! What do people advise? I've been trying to buy the stocks which are priced at 15-17np as I work on the principle of buy low, sell high. Are there any more tips that anyone can give me? Any way to be more sure about whether a stock will go up or down? Or is it just guesswork?


Thanks, any advice would be very much appreciated as I am attempting to go for the Sell! Sell! avatar, and I don't want to lose too much money in the process!

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You won't lost any neopoints as long as you DON'T spend it when the rate is low. From what I've seen, the stocks either increase or decrease randomly, so you can't really "predict" how successful or unsuccessful it'll go.


Just keep investing 15-17 nps a day on any stock you see, and DON'T touch them until you see it go up by around at least +200% (I usually sell for +280% at minimum). Only sell stocks when they worth it, keep investing, and eventually you'll get the avatar!


There's almost no way to lose any money while playing the stock market unless you sell your stocks when the percentage is low or if that stock's company crashes (VERY VERY RARE). It's a waiting game that also acts like another bank ^_^


Keep doing what you're doing and only sell when the stocks go up by a lot.

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BUZZ and NAKR are always good ones. KSON went way up for me. (But I wanted to get my avvie in a week, once I was halfway there, so I bought KSON went it was at 118+ for a few days, then sold it once I got my avatar.)


BOTT is also a good one.

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I would say only buy when it is at 15np a share. Buy the max 1000 shares at once per day then just wait for them to get to some distinct sell point. I used to have mine at about 200% but after I reached about the 500k mark in a bunch of different stocks I pushed it back to a firm sell point of 300%. There is no way to tell which to buy they all seem to increase and decrease. I right now have a negative too. Most of mine are doing terrible but a few are doing ok so it sort of balances out. And stocks don't crash that is why we are forced to buy them at 15 instead of lower.

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I just wanted to add that there are no 'good' and 'bad' stocks. So don't listen to people who tell you that [insert stock name here] is a good stock and you should buy it.


Any stock that you have the least of at 15-17 is a good stock.

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