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Happy Valentines


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I enjoyed my Valentines Day =D


Went to spent quality time with my boo, ate together at McAllistars, pumped up loud techno and rap music while driving around the city, lots of hugs and kisses, played with his birds (that had babies!), and lots of other fun stuff! ^_^


Had lots of fun being with him...then I went home and had to go to work >.>


Still a great day in my opinion ^^

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well my other half had to leave me for a week for managemant training, but he is going to spoil me when he gets back. So all I got was a card and a very sad farewell. lol.


Then i sat on neopets all day and ate m&m's.

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Well.. Me and my Boyfriend of 7 months went to Mohegan Sun.

I met his mom for the first time, who gave me pretty roses.

Then she noticed a hickey on his neck and said "good job Kasey" she was serious. and it was awkward.

Then We just hung out more and I drove him home. We had a few fights. I ended up crying once. But all in all, it was a good day.

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Just watched some TV with my boyfriend, and then went to dinner :) 't was nice.


But I can understand why single people would hate Valentines Day.

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Hey,not all single people hate Valentine's day!

I'm single and I think it's a very nice day to show to someone how much you care about him,and of course the gifts etc are such a sweet move!



Of course ;) but I can understand WHY single people would hate Valentines. Actually, some couples don't like it either. "Commercialized holiday". Pff, please tell me which holiday isn't.


I think that if I didn't have a boyfriend, I would just do something with my other single friends. (Or just sit behind the computer/television all day. either/or)

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Yesterday, I spent some time with my friend (since were both single) then my mom surprised me with a heart balloon and this cuuute little dog plushie. :wub_anim: haha and then went on neopets...

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I was working on valentines day^^


Should I mention there is this guy at work I really like? Well I was quite happy to be working that day, even if he left early because when there were almost no calls coming in (we work in a call center), and you can ask to leave when that happens (no you don't get paid XD that would be too awesome)


Anyways, wish I could of left with him... but I'm too shy to ask him on a date :(

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I freakin hate Valentine's Day. I've never had a Valentine, ever. I've never even really had a girlfriend. Girls hate me.


Relax guy, you're 13 (according to your profile anyways). 13 is way too young to have a serious girlfriend anyways. My boyfriend didn't get a girlfriend (meeee :D) 'til he was 19. So there's plenty o' time ;)

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It doesn't have to be about spending money. I think of it as a day to spend specially with my husband. When we did our thing, he made dinner, and we drank wine that he had gotten me for Christmas. The only money spent, was when I gave him a card. And he slipped candy in my bag, so I found it at work, since I worked V-Day.

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^Agreed. It's really no different that the point of celebrating Mother's Day or Father's day. It's about appreciating your loved one, and to share the day (or night - SAAAAY WHAT!?) together


... by watching a movie. ;)

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I agree to :) But it's also nice to appreciate your loved one each day of the year ^^


that's what I try to do with everyone around me, sometimes it's harder than other times tough

I don't have anyone special in my life for now anyways :3 But I know when I fall in love I will apreciate valentines day, not because of valentines day but because I have someone to share this day (and all my days) with^^



I'm feeling emotional :(

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I agree to :) But it's also nice to appreciate your loved one each day of the year ^^


that's what I try to do with everyone around me, sometimes it's harder than other times tough

I don't have anyone special in my life for now anyways :3 But I know when I fall in love I will apreciate valentines day, not because of valentines day but because I have someone to share this day (and all my days) with^^



I'm feeling emotional :(


Aawwe xD don't! You will find someone someday, I'm sure of it. I believe that love comes along for all (and multiple times, too. I don't believe in 'the one', there are several; you just have to make it work together).


Love is great, but it's also hard work. You have to work to make your relationship last. It's not easy, but it's amazing. You don't always appreciate what you have, so a day like Valentines Day is perfect to remind you to appreciate that special someone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

lucky are those who can spend this celebration with their love ones who is well and healthy...take care of your love one's and pray for their good health... :wub_anim:


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