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Theory of Trading Post Relativity


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I went to make a trade on a paintbrush about 45 minutes ago and it said that I could only trade 800k for something.


I'm pretty sure that's not a site-wide thing, or people wouldn't be offering things for 1m+. So am I missing something? Like the amount of NP you can put down on an item is relative to how long you've had your account?


That doesn't seem right...but you never know...

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That's correct, no one can trade you more than 800k. So if someone wants to buy something more expensive, I would set up a private trade for that person (become neofriends.. neofriends only trade)

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Also, a lot of people want a Baby Paint Brush + the extra amount (if this is possible), because the Baby pb is easy to sell and has a value of 600k, that way you can offer 600k+800k= 1400k.


But a private auction might be better.

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After I asked, I went and sent a message to one of the users that had a reasonably priced brush. I said, "I would like to set up a private auction to purchase your shadow paint brush." She said okay and now I'm waiting for it to close! :)


(The only bad thing is that I had no idea if--or when--we'd be online at the same time, so I set a huge purchase window. Now I have to wait 'til 10-something NST to get my brush! :P )

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