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Stupid Things You Thought As A Kid

Captain Awesome Pants

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Here's a good one... until probably... 5th grade, I thought Coyotes were called "Hoytes" (It's not a real word, so I get to take liberties with the spelling.) Apparently, we had one of those animal things, where you point the arrow to the animal, and pull the level and it says the name and the sound it makes. My sister broke it, so it pointed to the Coyote and mixed Coyote and Horse, and said "Hoytes" and made the noise for Coyotes.


My parents knew better, but they called them that from then on too, but they never thought to tell me that wasn't their proper name. I found that out the hard way... in school... when I raised my hand and informed the class that that was what they were called. <_<

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I had problems with pronunciation, because I was an avid reader when I was young. I would know a lot of big words, but I always mangled their pronunciations... Like for the longest time, I thought "phlegm" was pronounced as it's spelled--FLEG-EM.


So this lasted until university, actually, when a friend laughed hysterically and corrected me...

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My mind is extremely warped to think EVERYTHING has a negative side to it. My dad is going out to the store and he takes a while, I think he's been killed. My brother was left alone in the lobby, I thought he was kidnapped. Everything has a negative side to it. And I hate the newspaper for doing that to me.

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My mind is extremely warped to think EVERYTHING has a negative side to it. My dad is going out to the store and he takes a while, I think he's been killed. My brother was left alone in the lobby, I thought he was kidnapped. Everything has a negative side to it. And I hate the newspaper for doing that to me.


I have that too though! If my boyfriend doesn't respond to a text message, I think he had an accident or something :P it's really crazy, I always think something will happen to him :(

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I had problems with pronunciation, because I was an avid reader when I was young. I would know a lot of big words, but I always mangled their pronunciations... Like for the longest time, I thought "phlegm" was pronounced as it's spelled--FLEG-EM.


So this lasted until university, actually, when a friend laughed hysterically and corrected me...



Me too. Chaos was CHAUS (I can't type out how I say it!), and I still say Diaphragm DI-A-FRAG-UM.

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When I was in Kindergarten, I thought that Dracula AND Frankenstein were in my closet.


When I was trick-or-treating in 2007, everytime I heard a noise I would think that the world was being hit by a meteor. I was so freaked out that I ran back as quick as I could to my house.


I pronounced "Fish" as a word starting with P and ending in S. I pronounce Schedule as Shuddle, Archive as Ar-chive(like in give), and I still claim that Conspiracy is Conspearacy.

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Oh I remember another one! Strangely enough I still have problems with this...


Whenever a plane flies over my house, I get SO scared. I always think it'll crash on my house and kill me. So whenever a plane flies (low) over my house, I just hide (as if that would protect me).. :P


(Note that I was still young when 9/11 happened and I don't even live in America so I really don't know where it's coming from).

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Ditto! :O For instance, when Livvy was gone for so so long, I was tempted to search the obituaries for her state because, what if she had died! And I didn't know!


No offence, but Livvy is someone on the internet. That's nothing compared to what you think could've happened to you family, especially since I lost both my mother and step-grandfather last year.


Also, my cousin lives in the same apartment building as me, but his window faces the Verrozono Bridge. My brother would see it, and at 2 years old would say bit*h instead of bridge.

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When I was little, always thought that at night when i opened my door, there would be a monster there about to eat me. Now it has evolved into, when ever i open my door Im scared there will be a random person there about to kill me.


now that i think about it... this isnt really stupid. :laughingsmiley:

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I also believed that an apple tree would grow in my stomach if I ate a seed (I blame my child minder), she also taught me that in a storm if there was thunder and lightning it meant God was angry at me. I spent a great deal of my early school years hiding under desks because I somehow thought this might protect me from an angry God! My Yr 3 teacher was the one who corrected me on that but I didn't believe her until Yr 4 when that teacher also dragged me from under the desk and lectured me about it!


I believed that the line in the Lord's prayer 'but deliver us from evil' was 'but deliver us from eagles' which made me have a phobia of eagles! It also made people look at me very oddly when I was reciting it but nobody actually corrected me.


I believed that stomach digested food because it had a fire in it that burned all the food up. I could never understand why it didn't hurt!


For ages I thought that when I looked in a mirror I was looking at my evil twin or opposite or something. I actually believed it was sentient and was scared mindless of it. I used to cover up all the mirrors to stop her getting out and killing me in my sleep.


And finally, I thought that babies actually popped out of a ladies belly button.


I had a fair few stupid beliefs, and I probably had more but I can't remember them!


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