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Maybe this says something about Vamps too. I'd love to see if Mitha and Mor would have an egg... they're my only pure "couple" and Vamps can't even breed. xD


Like I said, keep trying. As the day goes on more and more people are locked from getting them. Watch the abandons too, if someone has 2 all ready and tries to get more they're auto-abandoned.

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I've been trying to get X-mas Eggs for hours now >.< I give up *falls over* Yep, Vampire Dragons are only availible on Halloween. Nope, i can see my scroll just fine o.0

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If you wanna see the adult Vamps, near the bottom of my scroll there's both a male and a female. Mortha is the male, and Mithalein the female. Mitha and Mor are very fun to RP with. xD

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X-mas Eggs will still be availible until X-mas is over =) Try to get one if you can xD I can't.

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I think so, but I'm not sure. They were still there about six hours ago. Their description is

This egg is covered with bright, festive stripes.

and they'll be the only ones there.

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uh... this will sound noob (but i really am new to this whole thing xD)

so... how do you trade eggs/hatchlings?¿

i mean if you just abandon them, they can be picked up by another person, and not by the one you're trading with..

or is there any safer way to trade?¿ o_O

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You can't trade them safely, like Neopets Transfers if that's what you're saying. You just have to be lucky, agree on a time to abandon, and just hope you get the egg and hope the other person will get your egg...That's why I don't trade -_- If there IS a safe way to trade, I want to know xD

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Dino and Chicken eggs are very special eggs. They cannot breed (all Chickens are female and all Dinos are Male) So many people wouldn't abandon them. You can find them on the front page sometimes, if you're lucky. They are very different, you can't do much with them but watch them grow. So they're rare.

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