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Dragon Cave Discussion Thread


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Kay. ^^


Ohh. I was wondering why there were no CB eggs

despite the empty AP. ;-;


Another questionnn about that 5-hatchling-limit

for breeding;

Will dragons still breed as long as I have less than

5 hatchlings even though I have

once had 5 hatchlings?

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Thank you. ^-^


As long as you currently have fewer than 5 hatchlings, your dragon will breed. (That applies to eggs also. If you have over five eggs, you will not be able to breed until one of them hatches.) I just took a look at your scroll, and you would be okay to breed (if you had two adults.)

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Sure. You can have someone try to Bite one for you, or you can get bored people like me to stalk the AP for you. :D I enjoy doing it, so if there's ever anything you want off the AP, feel free to ask and I can try to get it.


Also, seeing this in the AP made me smile for some reason. They're coordinated.


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*sends female vibes*


Anime, if you happen to breed an excess Bluna, do you suppose I could have one? I don't mean to sound selfish or anything; I'm just not having much luck with my one Bluna-potential breeding pair.

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I need my Bluna to gender female, too.


Thank goodness for Pinks.


EDIT: Oh, and livvy, you can have the next Bluna I breed if you want. :)

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Sure. You can have someone try to Bite one for you, or you can get bored people like me to stalk the AP for you. :D I enjoy doing it, so if there's ever anything you want off the AP, feel free to ask and I can try to get it.

Got it. ^^

I doubt anyone would bite one, so if you

happen to find a spare on in the AP,

do you think I could have it? :x


What does unlocked mean? o__O

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On the topic from a few pages back, I'm still kinda confused, what's inbreeding?


Once my vamp grows up I'll probably be biting a lot of eggs, so I might be able to get one for you.

And being unlocked means that you are able to pick up CB eggs or eggs from the AP. Once you have 4 hatchlings or 4 eggs (not 2 hatchings and 2 eggs, but four of one kind), then it won't let you pick up any eggs, therefore you are locked. If you can still breed eggs if you are locked though, but you can only have 5 eggs.

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When you look at the lineages, if there's any name you see more than once, that egg is inbred. It means that somewhere along the line, that dragon's ancestors mated with their parents/brothers/cousins/somesuch.

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Oh. So I'm guessing people don't like those kind?

Personally, I don't think it really matters, but *shrugs*


Your dragon bites the egg and it is transformed into a vampire. However, your other dragons become repulsed by the egg and toss it away from you.

D'oh x_x

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Oh. So I'm guessing people don't like those kind?

Personally, I don't think it really matters, but *shrugs*


Your dragon bites the egg and it is transformed into a vampire. However, your other dragons become repulsed by the egg and toss it away from you.


D'oh x_x

I'm sorry, Will. You should've let me know you were going to try; I'd have tried to catch it for you in the event of repulse.


Ohcool. O:

I found a Sunset hatchling in the AP. ^^

Tbat's cool, Soap!

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