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Dragon Cave Discussion Thread


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I have one of the new ones. I did a lot of accidental clicks so I got filled with 3 eggs I didn't want. xP I have abandoned them but haven't come across eggs in a while. :\ I'm always distracted and then notice I'm late. xP But they look quite interesting, the new ones. *nods*

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As per usual in the aftermath of a new release, the abandons are really really clogged. So, I ask, again as usual, that anyone with room go and grab something off the abandons. You don't even need to keep it. You could hatch it and abandon or release it, or even freeze it. The abandons just need a little help right now is all.

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I just got some from the abandons:




Meh, hopefully some other people will go to the abandons and get some eggs. I had some space, though. Not sure what I'm going to do with these eggs, though. Probably hatch and release.


Also, those new eggs are really pretty. <3

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From what I saw, it seems like the Thunders are the rarest, then Magmas, then Ice. And since they've been out for about a week now, they should be hitting their normal drop rate. It'll be a little while before their true rarity can be properly gaged though, as the abandons will be clogged for a few more days if past releases are any indication.

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The cave and abandons page are back to normal now. The new eggs seem to show up with as much frequency as anything not Pink, Balloon, Waterwalker, Deep Sea, or "Strange".


EDIT: OMG I saw a Gold in the cave! YAY!~

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Always a good day when you see a CB gold.


I'll have to double check with Morgan, but I think I caught Arinia and Morgan's Animia on the same day, or at least consecutive days. xD


EDIT: Looked at the dragons, and they were two months apart. Whee, date fail. xD

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@gierose: Sure, if it's female, you can have it.


@Suzi: You can get them from the main page (the cave) or the abandoned page (AP). In the cave, you'll either see three eggs that have question marks on them or the message, "The entrance to the cave is blocked by a huge pile of abandoned eggs. Maybe you should help clear it out by taking one." The AP will have eggs in it no problem. You get there by a link no matter what the state of the cave is.


EDIT: OK, it gendered female. I know you're about 14 hours off, so how should we accomplish this?

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It's alright. I'm sorry we didn't get to coordinate. I had to let it go because it was getting really close to time for it to fully grow up. At least someone else is enjoying a CB split female.


I'm hoping this Teleport thing kicks in soon. That way we don't have to worry so much about time differences.

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Just a note, the new Christmas dragons should be out next week. My guess is the 18th at the earilest. Also, previous Christmas dragons will be breedable soon as well, same guess on the date. So get your scrolls cleared up some, get any eggs you want to try and trade for an 07 or an 08, and I'll alert you when it all goes live.

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awesome!the 18th?PERFECT!school goes out on the 18th I think.It's our Christmas party then.Exams schedule,so I should be back at around 1:00pm here.I should be able to grab a few if the release date is really the 18th.or afterwards.

@Jikuu: its okay.C: Our teacher in Arts made us do Seed art.-_- (the boys are so unfair.they were assigned to do a christmas tree.just a measly christmas tree.us girls on the other hand,had to make a cartoon character.We have to pass it today,so,uh,that's why I've been busy).{I made spongebob,I might post it here soon.:)} I see you have a two headed dragon.I got one waaay back then by accident.A dog outside barked loudly,I got surprised and clicked the mouse.there,I got it.only a female though,I don't have a male.xD*clicks egg*

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