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*is finally home and able to see the dragons*

THE GOLD HATCHED!! :D *claps happily*


*ahem* Sorry. It's much more exciting to actually be able to see it. =D


Ooh, demonstration of Anime's answering ability (or my incessant questions) : The Skywing is born with wings, so how do you tell when they're mature?

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The little hind legs they have turn into wings. It's awful cute. :3 Also, the gender sign showing up next to them on your scroll makes it a little obvious. xD


oh, and I'm done. Beginners Guide/FAQ is updated.


EDIT: THis is Hozumi, my frozen Skywing hatchling. See the second pair of wings?




Well yes, the latter part I knew. =P I'd seen some in the AP with 6 days left and wings, and was wondering how they matured with so much time left. (I didn't know they were born with wings.) That explains it. Thanks!


Oh! Aww, it is cute =]


I smell a Zelda fan...


Good idea updating the guide. A lot has changed. :O


Yeah, that needed some updating. Clarified some stuff, added a question, made it betters. :3


In a list:


  • Clarified the "How many hatchlings/eggs can I have" question.
  • Updated the "what are clicks and views" question to include that clicks are added once per 24 hours per IP address.
  • Included a note on the sig rules in the "where can I post my dragons" question.
  • Updated the info on the Kill and Breed options.
  • Updated the "what dragons cannot breed" question to note the Valentines can't (well, ok, THAT needs clarification on my own part.... give it a week) and Christmas 08s can.
  • Updated "what dargons only come in one gender" to include that all Valentines are female. Mental note: Find out what was up with the female Dinos.
  • Updated the dragon species counts to include Frills, Geodes, and Valentines.
  • Updated all Alts questions to include info on Geodes.
  • Specified that you do not need a purebreeed couple to produce an alt.


I also added this question:


Q: Is there a guide up anywhere showing all the dragons and what they become?

A: Yes, I'm sure you could find one with ease, but as they are frowned upon by the owner of the site, any that become well known are asked to be taken down. Beacuse of this, we can't link to one (too much hassle to change every time the current one vanishes), but if you ask on this thread what sort of dragon yours is someone will be happy to answer.



YES! I just picked up this egg. With any luck, it'll be a male, and I'll have a stone breeding pair! Hopefully I'll get the alt stone (once again, I'm not too sure what it's called lol.)


Thanks :)


Never had too much luck with alts before though. The plant vine dragon alt was the only one I got easily, but for the black alt I'm on my 16th and 17th dragons. I'm hoping I'm a bit luckier with these.


*points at post above* They're tecnically a subspecies of Stone, as they have thier own name (Geodes), but they are tecnical Alts as well, so Alt Stone works too.


(The plant dragon is called a Vine dragon. So you got half of the name right. ;) )


I'm hoping the Gold Anime gave me is a girl. That way I can breed it with my Stone and have a chance at both Gold and Alt. Stone.


Well, Arinia and Arane like having daughters for some reason, so I'd say you have a 55% chance.


My goal with this is to get a male and a female of every species, but that'll be impossible, considering I'll have a very hard time finding a male purple or pink xD


on the egg informaction it says "(The owner of this egg is accepting aid from others)". how do i get the aid?


Ooh yay! =]


*gasp!*... I have an idea! Hm... *thinks* ... Yea. I like the idea.

In honor of your generosity, Anime, the first Gold offspring my Gold produces will be given to someone in the forums.




You mean, how do you put the sign up? Go to Account Settings (there's a link at the top of your scroll stuff, not the public one but the one with actions and such linked) and check the "Accept aid from others" box.


I, oh, wow, really? That's so sweet of you! ^_^


I need to add that to the FAQ so I can quit repeating myself. XD


This is for when you do it over an IM, which is safest.

First, give the reciver abandoned/code link. It should say that they can't find the dragon when they go to it. Then, they say they're ready, and refresh like crazy. Not letting it load, just F5F5F5 over and over. The sender then abandons and send "dropped" or something to the reciver. They refresh for a few seconds longer for good measure, and if all goes well, when they let it load, there's code boxes there.


Which is how she gave me the one I have now. ^_^ How do you get the adopt link though? Or is it the same as the normal link?


On all the dragons links, depending on what it is, it's action/code. FOr this, you use abandoned. I usually right clicka dn copy the lnik from one all ready on the abandons and stick the needed code in.


So can anyone transfer me a frill if you breed one? I dunno for sure, but I don't think you can just pick those up at the cave anymore (or can you O.o)


I actually have 4 eggs right now, so I couldn't at this moment, but one should be hatching soon...

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