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Strange Key Quest Glitch


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So I was playing Key quest with a random person and they had 5 keys and I didn't. Yet when it was my turn it had me go to the door and then the game was just at a standstill. I felt so bad for the other person because as you can see, they probably would've won fairly soon. Anyone else have this happen ever?



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When Keyquest first came out, I remember that it was possible to go through the door if you didn't have all the keys, thus ending the game with no winner. I had accidentally done that to someone once, because I didn't notice that they had stolen one of my keys. But I thought they had fixed that glitch a long time ago.

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Sounds like something to report to TNT...


It has never happened to me, but I never tried to go through the door without all the keys either... eh.


I didn't actually click the arrow to go through the door. I clicked to keep going towards the key I needed. It just took me to the door anyways.

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