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TDN Forums have gotten an upgrade!

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Hello everybody,


Ian here! As you may have noticed, our forums look radically different and have been upgrade to the latest version of Invision Power Board, which is the forum software that powers TDN Forums. If you find any bugs, please report them to me, Ian, and I will resolve them as quickly as possible. Eventually, we'll have a wide variety of new modifications and skins for all of our members to enjoy.


Personal profile photos are back for Super Members and higher! To view our new policy about personal photos, click here.


We sincerely appreciate your support and hope that this serves as a great New Years gift from us to YOU! b)



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<3 the new look Ian, I was deeply deprived without TDN today xD I can't wait to tell newbies about the old look :P


I'm going to get a bit... there's a subscript and superscript option! :O *ahem* Anywho, I'm going to get a bit lost for a while, but I'll figure it out and learn to love it soon enough. =] It's blue. That's always a plus with me. :D


And you were right. I was definitely not prepared.

Guest Merry HBK!

This is one of the best upgrades ever guys. :P Enjoy it!


Everything looks slick and Web 2.0 it's awesome.


I must admit that I was expecting this entirely, though whether or not I'm prepared for this remains to be seen. Personally, I don't like forum layout changes. Now I need to make my excessively long list of interests go away. I also don't really like the addition of a reputation system.


I do really like the new Fast Reply box, though.


And what's the Status thing for?


Looks good.. now where to find the "my assistant" tool? hmmm..


Holy crap! :O You're right? Do we even have one anymore? Does that mean our "top posters" section is gone? I was number 8 and I was so proud. D:


The top 20 is still there. If you scroll down to the very bottom of the forum and look on the dark blue line over the Online Members list, it's there.

I also don't really like the addition of a reputation system.


That's your warn level so no one else will see that except you or staff. :P


EDIT: Oh, I logged off and it was still there. I have no idea what it is, sorry. o_O


I agree with others, this is a very clean layout, although this might take a while to get used to, it's great! :D Thanks Ian!


Awesome! When I refreshed the page, I was like wait, is this TDN forums?? XD.


It does look real good! Sleek if you ask me. Although I'm having trouble distinguishing between pinned and non-pinned posts... Perhaps we should 'seperate' them like before? (unless they already are and I'm just not used to the layout o_O)


Thanks for the layout update! :D


Very nice.


I also somehow managed to log in partway while it was updated, but the board was in offline mode after that. I refresh the page now after waiting a bit, I really like the new look.




I just noticed that the posts from previously uncounted places, " Forum Fun / Word Games" primarily, are also counted for you, on your profile page, yet your normally counted posts are still counted next to your posts.



Yeah, that's what happenes when we play with new features. Fixed now, sorry.


Thank-you Anime! ^^


I got your PM after I saw the little PM icon appear and tried my luck with posting. xD


See we told you... "you are not prepared!" I even gave you hint during my new year post and yet no one noticed. hahaha!


blue is very cool! thank you Ian! *goes to find recent posts list*


EDIT: recent post -> View New Content

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