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So, did you like it? Or did you read it yet?

I can't, my comp takes a month to download anything...can we have a non-downloaded version of it for those of us with dinosaurs for computers?

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Okay. I'll start adding it on to the website too, though it might be a few hours extra.

But I'll do it tomorrow.

Edit: Here it isHere are some of them:

Reminder of New Rules:

In HAMS news, there is word that the rules will be updated soon. While we can’t say for sure what will happen, we can say the major rule is already changed, and can be viewed, in bold, at the bottom of the front page of HAMS. This rule is HAMS follows all TDN rules, including it's policy on spam. ‘While we are insane, please keep all off topic subjects in the HOP or in a PM. The HAMS thread is only for subjects that relate to HAMS.’

This is the most important rule, and should always, under all circumstances, be followed.

No More Groups and Clubs

While there have been many attempts of groups over the years, only two remain: HAMS and the Draik Lair. This is because TDN has recently deleted the group section in General Chat, and HAMS has been moved to GC, with the Draik Lair has been moved to Neopets General Chat. While this doesn’t make a huge difference, don’t try looking for HAMS in the Groups and Clubs subsection, because Groups and Clubs no longer exists!


In TDN news, the only HAMS HQ currently, the annual Add or Subtract Contest was held, and, in just over 24 hours, the boys won. Congratulations to CAV, Ryan, Co, JB, Unstream, H.E.L.P.eR, and all other in another year. A special ‘Well Done’ goes to Batman, and Livvy, the highest ranked girls. Good Game to everyone, but the boys will always win.

A ‘Super’ Interview with Super Squirrel

Ryan, A.K.A. Super Squirrel, has decided to take the time to give the first interview ever with the HAMS gazette.

Ryan, an Arizona 13 year old boy, has given us an exclusive interview about himself and HAMS, which he says will be seeing lot of news changes, which excites all of us here at HAMS. Read on!

Ryan says that HAMS, founded on January 3, 2010, was created ‘because me, Tyler, Aidan, and CAV were bored’. He also says that he’s surprised that HAMS is still going, but he also thinks that HAMS will have around 20 members, and more things, on it’s anniversary.

He says a great new member stays at least until they’re a Super Member, and that recruiting new members is a good way to go up in the ranks. He also abmits a good leader is ‘diplomatic, but firm.

In his free time, he likes playing his Xbox and online games, like Ikariam, a trader/fighter MMORPG.

Editorial: Please Submit Questions

This is the editorial. I will be publishing Feedback here that,giving answers to questions people asked etc.. Please PM me(Jungle Beast)if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

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Nice job JB. ^^


And welcome to HAMS, Zakuro. :)



I do, even though I'm not a leader.


I thought that said:


"Even though i'm a cheerleader"


And I was like, woaaahhhh, what'd I miss?

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Yes you do. And everyone has a signature on the battlefield. Ryan has his Squirrels, Tyler and his Meepits, Trinston has a soul eating bunny, and I have my Dragon army.


I guess you can have lobsters?

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Welcome Zakuro!

Also, I thought I should mention that while I will try to be on every day, there will be some days it's simply not possible for me...I have four other people in my house plus a life outside the computer so if it seems I'm being inactive I'm probably just very busy that week(Or less)

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Yes you do. And everyone has a signature on the battlefield. Ryan has his Squirrels, Tyler and his Meepits, Trinston has a soul eating bunny, and I have my Dragon army.


I guess you can have lobsters?

Sweet. I'm partial to exploding lobsters and propane explosions. And exploding things, generally. And fire. And expoding. And stuff :P

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And welcome to HAMS, Zakuro. :)

Welcome Zakuro!

Thank you for welcoming me to HAMS! I hope I'll be a loyal Meepit recruit


You have to right click it, and click on the option that says "copy Image Location". Then, you have to go to your signature, and paste it in the little picture sign:picture.pngThen, you save your signature, and, voilà! Un masterpiece!


Thanks JB! Have officially added HAMS to my signature.


I'm not on 24/7 but since we're on school holidays, I'm on more often.

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Welcome Zakuro!

Also, I thought I should mention that while I will try to be on every day, there will be some days it's simply not possible for me...I have four other people in my house plus a life outside the computer so if it seems I'm being inactive I'm probably just very busy that week(Or less)


That's fine. Remember, it's ok to go inactive when you tell us leaders. Then you can't be kicked out. If you leave for more than 2 weeks and don't tell us the reason....well then...that's it.

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Unless, of course, you had to leave unexpectedly (fire, emergency, etc.) and tell us as soon as you get back.


That too. You can also explain your inactivity when you return.


But JB, I don't think she'll be able to use her computer when it's destroyed in the fire.

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