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It's really easy! Just fill out the application form on the front page, and post it here.






Meepit servant


turn the device into a shoelace untier, untie they're shoes, then eat your way out.


Sneek in and look at it.

Edit: And Neo, that's what I'm trying!



I'm the Tutorial Demigod, and Trainee, and Substitute.

That means I'm almost a complete God, I help you, and fill in for you when you're gone.

And Gemkitty, we won't bite.



Sorry, am playing KeyQuest at the same time as being on here...I multi-task a lot.






Meepit servant:


Have the special device become a blade that can cut through the cage but is also a tape dispenser so that I can tape annoying person's mouth closed and their hands behind their back:


Go in for a peek and eat some only when necessary:



Anyway, you need twenty nine more HAMS posts to pass CAV; I need 42. Keep up the posting!

And Gemkitty, we'd love to let you in, but you need to join first. Just fill out the form:

Name(Display name):


Nickname(What we can call you):


Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?:


You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?:


Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?:

Edit: Great on getting in! You posted to fast for me! :yes:

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