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I am not prepared???

CAV of Gang Green

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Please, no more then 2 images per post, staffers are getting sick of this. What does that red circle-cross mean?


That is an official decree from me. :) Please follow it or be warned. That includes staff members. kthx

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Black hole being made and -----> *Brings Everyone Except Co, Clones And His Minion Meepits, Not Including Our Stalkers, Into Shadaw's World*



{kicks them back out of my demention} mine out >=O {my whole demention stops existing as i leave this thread}

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*drags in Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan to chop Co, his Clones and his Meepits up too -.-;;* Yes, I've resurrected Bruce Lee just for this! XD


(gotta hit the sack now sorry! @_@ sleeping at 2 morning-ly does horrible stuff to your brain..)

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