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Christmas checklist


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So before Christmas comes, do you have sort of a checklist you need to complete for Christmas?

If so then post it so you can share it, and if you're like me, remember it all. :rolleyes_anim:


Before Christmas eve-

1. Wrap that pile of chocolate bars for my dad - Completed

2. Get that gift bag out to my grandparents

3. Write something and sign the Christmas cards for my parents - Completed

4. Spend less time on computer and more time with family - Completed

5. Remember to wear Santa hat everyday. - Completed

6. Design some sort of anti-fruit cake sheild

7. Eat a doughnut - Completed!

8. Remember to keep turning on and off Cristmas lights - Completed

On Christmas Eve-

9. Charge Nintendo DS - Completed

10. Spend less time on computer and more time with family - Completed

11. SANTA HAT! - Completed

12. Christmas lights - Completed

13. Read Short stories from Neopian times - Completed

14. Slip christmas cards into parents stockings - Completed

15. Sleep - Completed

On Christmas-

16. Get out two hidden presents for parents and put them under tree once all presents are opened - Completed

17. Run around out side screaming "Santa"

18. Give away acorns at the park with my two squirrely minions

19. Get on Club penguin and look at giant giftboxes I bought - Completed

19. Relax - Completed

20. Santa hat - Completed

21. Christmas lights - Completed

22. More time with family than on computer - Completed

And that's meh checklist. Whats yours?

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Oooo I need one of these!


- Get last minute gifts for close friends (inclusive of a bag for one of my friends) [x]

- Finish making cards for my friends [x]

- Decide on whether I should get stuff for my brother along with a Christmas sock; if so, get it by 24th [x]

- Find a way to decorate the mini Christmas tree in my house [x]

- Buy Christmas pastries home [x]

- Wear red and/or green on Christmas [x]

- Find a day to steal Christmas deals during shopping [x]

- Stop myself from finishing all the Christmas goodies [x]

- Make Christmas graphics [x]

- Stop people from giving me more than 5 Santa hats this year [x]

- Spend part of Christmas with friends for once [x]

- Spend the most of Christmas offline [x]

- Watch more Christmas movies [x]

- Watch even more Christmas movies [x]




Yes, I still have a whole lot to do @_@. And I don't even really celebrate Christmas!

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Including Neopets V=Yes X=No

Eat Advent Calender 1st [V]

Eat Advent Calender 2nd[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 3rd[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 4th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 5th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 6th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 7th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 8th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 9th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 10th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 11th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 12th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 13th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 14th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 15th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 16th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 17th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 18th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 19th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 20th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 21st[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 22nd[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 23rd[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 24th[V]

Eat Advent Calendar 25th[X]

Celebrate Christmas On 25th[X]

Open Christmas Presents[X]

Open Birthday Presents 30th[X]

Celebrate New Years 31st[X]

Celebrate New Years 1st January[X]

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This is a checklist, not a wishlist, Tribaffor.


Before Xmas

Send my girlfriend's christmas gift [x]

Give my new friend a birthday/Christmas card [x]

Buy mom and dad a christmas present each [x]

Finish school for the semester [x]

Make cookies [ ]

Get booze [ ]


On Xmas

Hopefully Get a new 360 [?]

Open presents [?]

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