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The Forbidden Letter Game

̊ ˉˉ ̊

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Well, The Daily Neopets does happen to possess a YouTube channel, so I suppose TV isn't too distant.

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Froyo it is - Android two point two for the win! The best mobile operating system on the market. ;)

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Emotions can be a significant issue in situations where it is necessary to maintain one hundred percent focus.

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:O This sneaky little letter is trying to surprise us! We'll have to watch our backs, we will!

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Well, we must maintain vigilance, lest the nasty little critters find further chances which they can seize.

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The world may eventually be taken over by words that cannot be made containing such foreign and forbidden letters. This may then cause the world to end....

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However, for now we are all happily typing away, and will continue to do so for years to come.

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That is, unless developments in technology make typing obsolete.




Emotions can be a significant issue in situations where it is necessary to maintain one hundred percent focus.

Upon seeing the above, my initial thought was "Spock!"

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Ah, I have managed to snag yet another vowel for myself - I think I'm enjoying this a little more than is healthy.

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Health is good for you, only if you're searching for a lost feather across time dimensions with a wizard and a guy who wants to become the strongest guy.

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