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Is it just me or do backgrounds (wearable) sell much more slowly in shops than other items...aside from the obvious junk items of course. But then why do they often have such high average prices on the shop wizard...? Or is it just that backgrounds take months to sell in my shop!?

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I'm usually the person buying the backgrounds.. although I prefer the ones from the mall, since they have the added bonus of being animated.


I haven't got the patience to wait for things to sell in my shop though, so if it's not gone in a couple hours or the next day I'll check shop wiz again to check prices and lower my price a bit more.

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I tend to price my stuff slightly under the normal shop wizard prices (dependent on the prices), and then just leave it in my shop...if it hasn't gone in a week then I lower it again. I have to admit that this post had the added effect of clearing nearly all of my backgrounds out of my shop...I hadn't realise it would do that!

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