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I have just had my backside handed to me on a plate by neoquest 2...again...this is going to get very, very annoying! It's not even as if it's a short distance for me to walk on the game to get to where I was! GRRR!

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I used this guide for Neoquest 2, and it really helped me. I didn't really have any trouble at all. Good luck! Now I need to find a great guide for Neoquest I, so that I can get that avatar too. Any suggestions?

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How is Neoquest 2 compared to Neoquest 1? I only did about half of 1 (for the avatar) but thought it was pretty fun. I was skimming a guide for 2 though and it sounded complicated..


Neoquest 2 is a lot more straight forward. It tells you exactly what you need need to do in the story. The first one you need a guide to do it or you could spend hours doing nothing productive.


I personally use http://www.idnq-guide.com/ for both games. I think it is an amazing guide. It has the monsters in each level along with a great map of everything.

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Neoquest 2 is more fun for me since you have more people to control rather than just one you have to protect full time xD


Neoquest 2 guides I used:

http://www.neopets.com/~Camarilly - Great Guide

http://www.neopets.com/~NeoquestBossLevels - Levels needed for boss fights


Neoquest 1 guide I used:

http://kreai-neoquest.blogspot.com/ - Good guide on which skills to pick

http://www.idnq-guide.com/ - Mainly for maps xD


Both are fun, but it's really time consuming so be warned =K

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For Neoquest 1 I used this and .. well, I can't link to the other because it was on Geocities and they have since closed.. which is a shame because the guides/maps were fantastic.


But anyway, I went back and forth between two different guides, mainly because one would recommend being level x for this boss whereas the other guide would suggest level y.


I guess it will all come down to preferences.




Neoquest took up so much time (and I didn't even finish lol). I played it from the time I got home from work until I went to bed =\ my friend was playing it at the same time and I was leveling up so quickly compared to him.

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I played forever just to get the avatars. I stopped for awhile after i did but you can get amazing prizes if you beat the whole thing so i went back and beat it awhile ago. Now i am trying to beat one on evil then two and i bet i will continue on from there.

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Thanks for the links. I already knew about idnq-guide.com, since I used it for the maps for NQII. I really just needed a guide for skills and items. Now I have lots to go off of, and I can start playing to get my avatar.

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I used the Winnie_1964 guide for Neoquest II as well, I think the skill-points spending guide in there is especially useful. I use IDNQ's maps, though.
That point spending guide was incredibly useful. I followed it to the letter, right up to the end, when I forgot to spend all of my saved up points, and just walked right into the final boss battle. :P I still survived somehow, though.
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I got through neoquest 1 with ease - using the maps provided by idnq - although it took me a long time. I then started playing neoquest 2 - still using the idnq maps - and I am finding it far more difficult...first time playing and therefore on the easiest level...I dread to think what evil and InSaNe are like...

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sheesh, I totally get what you mean about Neoquest. I used to do it while watching tv shows or listening to music so it wasn't so tedious. But in a strange way I kind of miss it now I'm done. (Although not tempted to go back and do it on evil mode at ALL!)


I also said i would never play it on evil/insane but when i looked at the possible prizes i couldn't resist. I bet i could finish today or tomorrow if i tried.

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I'm going through Neoquest 1 on evil at the moment - it's more difficult but appears doable! But equally I never had so much trouble on normal as I am having on NQ2 at the moment.

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