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I need qucik opinions/advice for the Random Contest!


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I spent all day (and about 10$) working on an entry for this week's random contest. The theme of the contest is to make holiday-themed Neopets cupcakes. I love to bake, and I need the avatar, so I wanted to enter.


I was really inspired by the Caroling Neoplants, so I decided to make the wearable out of cupcakes. It took me three hours and two trips to the bulk store. It was a huge disaster, in my mind, thanks to runny icing and collapsing cactus, but I finished it anyway. I think that it looks a bit sad, especially the cactus. Should I enter it anyway? As a backup, I took three minutes and made a Holiday Eye Candy cupcake. Is that a better entry? Opinions, please, and fast!



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ARG!!!! I missed the deadline! I spent hours on that! I'm not very happy right now. The worst part is that I delayed doing my work all day to do this entry, so now I have to spend half of the evening working, and I didn't even get anything out of doing this. I don't even want to eat the cupcakes, I'm so sick of frosting. :(

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I knew that today would be the last day, but I didn't think that TNT would cut it off so early in the day. I'm used to contests that actually end on the same day that a new one begins, like the LC, not ones that end the day before. But TNT had already cut off submissions by the time I had posted this thread. I just didn't notice. I wish that they would be more clear about deadline on the submissions page. I should have finished them yesterday, I guess, but I was too tired after shovelling the driveway.

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It's a real pity that you didn't a chance to enter that as the carrolling plants are actually really good.. I've never had the patience for the Random Contest personally, but if that's the standard that you're working to then I would well recommend you going for the next contest!

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