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Metroid's Comics!


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Believe it or not, that Metroid was slightly enlarged. The Metroid was from the game "Super Metroid" and it feasted upon many creatures to gain it's massive size. This is the metemorphis of a Metroid.




Seems like the average size of a Metroid larvae (The stage of a Metroid that you usually recognize it the most as) is around the height of an average human adult. (Since not all people are six feet tall)

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where's the other type of metroid? Metroid prime?


*backs into different corner*

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where's the other type of metroid? Metroid prime?


*backs into different corner*


Oh. That isn't really part of the metamorphis because Metroid Prime was a Metroid that was mutated by being contaminated with Phazon. (An extremely toxic fictional poison)

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okay.....well....that anwers my question...


um, is there going to be a new comic?

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Guest Тeen_�stronomer

I dunno Mikey, Metriods look more alien than any 'little green man' Could this thing look any more alien?




It doesn't even fall into one of our 6 animal Phyla... It isn't Moluska (The teeth), nor is it Cnidarian (Again, the teeth). It ain't reptillian, or mammalian. Echinoderm? Yeah right. Insectoid? MAYBE!




But there is still the bone claws... and teeth.


Mix between Reptillian and Insectoid? If only Reptiles had a larva form...


Truely bizare..

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Metroid are are you going grow like on that scale in the comics?


I wonder if that would happen...that would be bizzarre....

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