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Metroid's Comics!


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OMG, Metroid has escaped from the chamber!, on the bottom left, hes coming out off the panel.


*Shifty eyes* Nope. Nothing wrong there. ;)


Oh, and Bub, it seems that you don't know what is going on. If so, VISIT THE ARCHIVES. If not, then meh... Also, I'll leave it up to YOU to figure out why I take long...

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Metroid on spring break + Free time+ Comic Making Skills = ? Can anyone figure it out I can't?

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Metroid on spring break + Free time+ Comic Making Skills = ? Can anyone figure it out I can't?


Chill out. Metroid has a real life (I hope :baaasmiley:) to attend to.

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Thats not what I meant. It was something i thought was funny. And if you kept telling Metroid to move faster and make more he will move slower. And I think patience is a virtue!

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Thats not what I meant. It was something i thought was funny. And if you kept telling Metroid to move faster and make more he will move slower. And I think patience is a virtue!

Yes, patience is a virtue, but knowing that doesn't mean that you can be patient. I do my best though.

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I need to read all the comics I missed...i might be up all night....well, im off to read them!


ok guys, could you be quiet about being patient? He'll have a new comic up when he does. gosh.....

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Guys, please don't kill me, but my comics are...

Going on a slight vacation. Now don't get me wrong, my comics are NOT over yet. I will update them when I can. It's just that I am:

-Improving experience in Microsoft Paint.

-Working on petpages and stuff on Neopets

-Trying to make things for TNO. (The Neopian Outpost)

-Working on other misc. stuff.

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