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Metroid's Comics!


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LOL, that was funny... Have you learned not to use frying pans that are larger than you?

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Sorry for the wait, but here is my entry. ^_^




Behold Megatroid! Defender of Metroid and sworn enemy of Anime! *ebillaugh* I used mainly Metroid sprites, but the eyes up on top, they're from Zelda: Majora's Mask. That's the mask.

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My knowledge of copying and pasting to make something that's actually legible is severely limited.

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I can't draw on the computer to save my life, but I can copy, paste, and edit. Start with something simple. Find a couple sprites you like, and experiment! You can get some amazing and crazy combos. Like, these things I made the other day.




I belive the tecnical trem for this is 'splicing'.

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It's ok. The tails were my main point. the ears were just a little extra.


And at this point, mine are simple. I've seen some amazing splices before, along with some excelent recolors, and nice revamps. (Recolor=change color of the sprite to totaly new ones, revamp=take an old sprite and make it look newer)


EDIT: Since I'm bust being bored, I made this



Gardivore with Dexoys' arm and Rosila's body on the chest (it's recolored and turned upsidedown and backwards).


And my last one for tonight




The three Regis combined in layers. I couldn't get Regirock to set over Regice properly, so that looks a tad funky, but Registeel's legs look good under Regice's body. xD

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Eek...I've gotta finish




Info about puff-troid. He is very smart, has an evil aura, and is puffy!

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because basically all it is is FAT!

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