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as a non NC buyer myself i understand where all of the hate for NC is coming from. however, dont they kinf of have to do it because of the credit crunch? they used to get by with ads and premium in the good old days but now things are different, and i guess making their product proftable is ok AS LONG AS the non-paying people are not left out. i mean they never force us to buy it.. its just an extra.


HOWEVER what with all the nc and the ads everywhere, i dont understand why they cant offer the user a nice glitch free service. i like what someone said above that children dnt complain as much but i think if one were to remove the 13+ players, neopets would go down instantly

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Yeah well.. you can't tell me that TNT doesn't have enough money and that they HAVE to have the NC Mall. They're just a smart business. I don't have too many problems with the NC Mall, but like Chanizilla said, it's getting out of control. It's like everything's an excuse to make more NC items or NC related things.


I feel left out ;p.

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I always get a bit frustrated with this excuse. They are running a business, from a business standpoint, Neopets is terrible, the only reason they really stay in business is because their main demographic is children, and children tend to put up with a lot worse Customer Service/problems with the site. I mean, compare it to these Facebook stats. vvvvv

* 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day

* More than 35 million users update their status each day

* More than 55 million status updates posted each day

* More than 2.5 billion photos uploaded to the site each month

* More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week

* More than 3.5 million events created each month

* More than 1.6 million active Pages on Facebook

* More than 700,000 local businesses have active Pages on Facebook

* Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans


NO WAY Neopets even comes CLOSE to these stats (billions! BILLIONS), but Facebook runs perfectly, there are no glitches, no issues, and they have Customer Service Representatives that ACTUALLY respond and not just send you an automated message. Heck, they are even completely and utterly FREE. They don't charge their users for ANYTHING. Neopets does, and as such, that lowers their excuses from 0% to -50% Blame it on the fact that Viacom owns Neopets, Viacom knows they can take kids for a ride and not have issues, and as such they do. Shoddy service/website for more profit in the CEO's pocket. :evil: I'm not saying don't play neopets, I still do, but I'd say don't give them a dime of your money, they don't deserve it for the way they treat their customers.


That's a lot of facebook stats o_O. And don't even use facebook, I use myspace.


Now I don't give a penny to them. I don't use the NC Mall. Why pay money for virtual clothing that can't be used in real life? What would you rathier have, food that you need to live, or a robe so your neopet is "cute"? I just buy clothing with acual neopoints, and everyone should follow suit.


And I didn't get the free NC items either. :(

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This might be totally random, but; isn't Viacom the same company that owns Sex and the City? (now there's a difference.. Neopets/Sex and the City.. ;p)

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Honestly, this just looks like another "Neopets sucks now. Things were SO much better when Adam and Donna were in charge" type of topic. :/


I know I'm probably going to get my head bitten off for this, but I really don't care all that much about NC. imho, as long as they aren't doing anything to give paying users an unfair advantage over nonpaying users, then there's no problem. And really, I think people are defining an "unfair advantage" too loosely. Daily Dare '09 gave paying users an unfair advantage by allowing them to sell the prizes they bought with real money, so they could essentially "buy" Neopoints. The NC Challenge tickets and stuff like that do NOT give paying users an unfair advantage. Just something extra, kind of like side quests in an MMO. Or that's how I see it, anyway. o.O


I don't know if TNT needs NC, and imho, unless you work for TNT, I don't think there is any way of knowing that. I've heard both sides of it, though. Some say NC is necessary to keep the company running, and others say they could get along just fine on ads, Premium, and merchandise alone. But even if the latter possibility was true, that doesn't mean NC should be scrapped. Most game/virtual pet sites have some kind of feature where you pay real money. Club Penguin has one. MapleStory has one. Heck, Adam and Donna's old site, VPN, had one. Another problem imo is that the whole idea of using real money to buy virtual credits (or "paying for pixels", as some like to degrade it to) is still a fairly new idea and something people just aren't used to yet. I personally think people are way too used to everything either being entirely free or pay-to-play and think those are the ONLY two ways to go. But people will get used to it eventually.


Now I don't give a penny to them. I don't use the NC Mall. Why pay money for virtual clothing that can't be used in real life? What would you rathier have, food that you need to live, or a robe so your neopet is "cute"?

You know, the EXACT same thing could be said about going to see a movie or buying a video game. o_O

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my account frozen. I'm still fuming about that. :grrr: I had +25 trophies, +200 avatars, and a really expensive and well-trained Neopet. >___< DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THAT TOOK?! A long long long long long time. And a lot of dedication. The reason why I got my account frozen was really stupid. My sister no longer plays Neopets so she let me transfer all her NPs and items to my account. Apparently, buying dung for 95,000 nps is illegal or something. But that's just how I transfer NPs, by buying junk items. I suppose I could have traded or auctioned instead... but I don't think that would have made a difference either. UGH UGH UGH. If I knew how freaking strict they were, I would have done something else. But I didn't get any sort of warning! So yes, I sincerely hate TNT for erasing everything I worked my butt off for. And btw, starting from scratch is REALLY NOT IDEAL. Oh, and I definitely contacted TNT, but that was a waste of time. <_<

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  • 2 months later...

I agree they need a better system of communication, but it is a little different than facebook and the other sites it was compared to and I think they are doing an okay job. Some better plots would be nice, but at least we are getting things frequently now. For a while it seemed like we would go months without new activities.


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All they care about is money


You haven't really been out in businesses yet have you.

Every shop is meant to offer great customer service, and care about the customers.


What you don't know, is that the staff HATES the customers, they insult the customers where they can't be heard. Same as neopets, as long as people are visiting the site, buying NC or paying premium. The workers get paid and couldn't care less about the rest.

My view is:

Why help those who don't help you.


What has most users done for tnt, absolutely nothing, they come on-line and expect the world to be handed to them on a plate.

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