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It Happens [(I Suppose)]

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I Get Home From Work Today Log Into My Main Account And Everything Is Gone! :( All The Items In My SDB GONE, My Neopoints GONE And One Of My Pets.


This Just Made My Bad Day A Little Worse :( Some People Are SO Mean.


How In The World Do People Find Out Your Password?


UGH! This Is Ridicilous. My Side's Are Fine Atleast.


I Reported It To TNT. But I Doubt Anything Will Come Out Of It.


That's horrible! Go put PINS on all of your sides asap if you haven't already!! My guess is that a CGer found your password out.

At least you can see who took your pet and report them, too!


YEAH i guess your right, of course they took my most favorite pet my grey wocky. and im so irate right now i didnt even think of looking up my pet's name to see who has her haha. Thanks SO much. and yes i already set pins for everything. UGH. should have done that in the first place.


I hate, hate, hate people who do that!

I mean, they have to go earn stuff on their own!

That's ridiculous. I would totally report it to TNT.

You never know; they make turn up with something. C:

I hate, hate, hate people who do that!

I mean, they have to go earn stuff on their own!

That's ridiculous. I would totally report it to TNT.

You never know; they make turn up with something. C:


yeah it is ridicilous. i did report it and i definatly hope something comes out of it. it just irritates me to no end.

you are totally right, people should earn their OWN stuff instead of spending their entire time on the computer trying to hack into everyone elses stuff.

ARGH. thats all i have to say. lol.


Man that's terrible :(


I just really hope you get at least your pet back because I'm not sure TNT will give back lost items or neopoints if you were scammed, cg'ed, and even if a keylogger got you :(


They didn't return any of my stolen neopoints from a that keylogger...so I've been rebuilding xD


But get that cute wocky back! >.<


Wow, that's terrible. I'm really sorry to hear that this happened to you. It's unfortunate that you won't get your stuff back, and it's unlikely that you'll get your pet back, unless the CGer just pounded it and it's new owner is really nice. Glad to hear that you reported it to TNT. Did you check your trades to see if your stuff was all traded to one user?


Also, since your account has been compromised, TNT will probably freeze it. You might want to have a look at the Account Access form, so that you can record important information from your account to get it back sooner. It's really hard to remember what books your pets have read when your steaming mad because TNT just froze your stolen account.


Anyway, sorry to hear about your lost pet. I know I would be devastated if one of my pets got stolen.

well obviously someone did, all my stuff is gone, i never gave out my password, no one that i know even plays neopets. so someone MUST have got my password SOMEHOW.

Well, obviously, you didn't take the time to read the article.

You were not hacked, you were scammed.

It was most likely a cg, as others have said (cookie-grabber).

Do not visit sites that claim to give out free items or whatever.

It's obviously a scam, since pretty much nobody gives out stuff for free on a website.


Try and remember, did you recently download anything or went on a page you weren't familiar with?


Cookie grabbers can lurk in a lot of places.


Some say they can't get PINs so if you downloaded something, it could've been a keylogger.


Change your PW and PINs often so that it hopefully won't ever happen again :(

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