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Chapter 10 of AoTA - Coming soon!

Ali Cat

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I just sent in a score for 640 for moltara run and for one terrible moment I thought it wasn't going to award me despite my multiple attempts to get enough points as it didn't say I had won anything. Luckily I decided to check my inventory and found the Charred Steam Wings I needed, so panic over lol

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is anyone getting the vibe that Moltara is basically a SLIGHTLY different version of the book/movie, CITY OF EMBER?!?! read the city of ember's wiki page and then what the mayor says in chap 10... its like, the SAME. (the world was in trouble, so a team of scientists and engineers went underground and built a city, but now the generators in trouble, etc. etc....)

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Hey code breaker people, :laughingsmiley:


i know you're having troubles and i have the answer to defeat this terrible game. <_<


Okay when you first press the red button and there is a green light. it does not mean the the first ring is correct, it simply meeans that one of the 4 rings avaliable are right, but you just don't know which one it is.


That is why you clcik any random ring. If you the ring you move makes no different in the result. that means that that ring is not the one that is correct. There for just move it around till you get the green. then go for another. if that ring changed the result from green. then that means that the ring is in the right spcae therefore not needed. keep doing this till you get all greens and move on to the next level.

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Codebreaker is tough until you get the hang of it... Moltera Run makes you want to throw your computer, screen, and anything else out of the window >:( Why do they have to make the stupid game so hard? It's daft! It's not even like a proper plot, I wouldn't even both to try and do the stupid games unless I thought there might be some kind of avatar or prize at the end....




If you hadn't guessed, I'm finding Moltera Run tough, anybody any suggestions? I can't play it on anything larger than regular, for some reason :S

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