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Help, i got stuck at chap 12 part 2. Don't quite get the guide! :(

Composite #1:


Quantity: 16 grams

Relevant property: Divination

Target value: +43 +/- 5


Composite #2:


Quantity: 25 grams

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +87 +/- 5


Composite 2 cannot contain more than 10 grams of any one basic ingredient

Please, can anyone help me.


Composite 1:


Take 10 g Bumroot

Then go back and take 6 g Bumroot

Burn both fully

Crush Bothe Fully

By the this point the Divination Value should = 33

So Soak both partially.. for perhaps btw 100 - 200 Secs... Keepy stopping to check the value, when it reaches btw 38 - 48 (MAKE SURE YOU ARE LOOKING AT THE Divination Value) Stop

Make a composite of one.

Select the composite (below the ingredients) . A red arrow will appear. Combine the second ingredient.




Quantity: 25 grams

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +87 +/- 5

Composite 2:


Get 10 g Leafy, 10 g Baggus, 5 g SharpGrass

Burn, Crush, Soak, Dessicate Leafy Fully

Burn, Crush, Soak Baggus Fully

Burn, Crush, Sharp Grass fully

Combine as stated above (Make composite of one, then combine other 2)


Toss all ingredients into cauldron.

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no one help me ?



Hehe, sorry :) I'll help!


Composite #1:


Quantity: 16 grams

Relevant property: Conjuring

Target value: +43 +/- 5


Composite #2:


Quantity: 25 grams

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +81 +/- 5




Get 10 g of Bumroot

Get anohter 6 g of Bumroot

Soak them both MAX... end up with Conjuring Value of 42

Make composite of one, then combine other




Get 10 g Leafy - BURN, CRUSH, SOAK, DESSICATE fully

Get 10 g Baggus - BURN, CRUSH fully

Get 5 g Sharpgrass - DESSICATE fully

Make composite of one, then combine others


TOSS into cauldron


Then help Me! Here's what I got.


Composite #1:


Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo

Quantity: 10 grams


Composite #2:


Special: Spectral Essence

Quantity: 23 grams

Relevant property: Conjuring

Target value: +275 +/- 1


Composite #3:


Quantity: 12 grams

Relevant property: Conjuring

Target value: +67 +/- 2

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +105 +/- 2



I can handle the spectral essence.


I dont know, I just recently got to level 4.


... I need to wait for some random guy to figure out how to make anti-gravital goo.


Alright somene please tell me what I did wrong :(


I did the spectral essence just as they said got these values:


Quantity: 30 grams

Conjuring: +211

Divination: +62

Enchantment: +21

Power: +321


Then COMPOSITE 2 asked for


Quantity: 12 grams

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +82 +/- 3

Relevant property: Conjuring

Target value: +79 +/- 3


So i used 3 g each of Bumroot, Leafy, Baggus, and Bloodferm... and i got these values


Quantity: 12 grams

Conjuring: +80

Divination: +84

Enchantment: +84

Power: +84


So im confused as to why it didn't work.


This was for Potion # 3 btw


I dont know what went wrong...


For level 4 the Spectral Essence and Anti-Gravitic Goo have been figured out!



20g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max)

1g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max), then dessicated until Conjuring=274 (this will take exactly 104 seconds)

2g Leafy Slorgblossom: soaked, crushed, desiccated (all to max)



4g Baaba Wool: burn and crush (both to max)

3g Crushed Jurpleberries: burn and crush (both to max)

3g Bagguss Pulp: burn and crush (both to max)

Posted (edited)
Composite 1:


Take 10 g Bumroot

Then go back and take 6 g Bumroot

Burn both fully

Crush Bothe Fully

By the this point the Divination Value should = 33

So Soak both partially.. for perhaps btw 100 - 200 Secs... Keepy stopping to check the value, when it reaches btw 38 - 48 (MAKE SURE YOU ARE LOOKING AT THE Divination Value) Stop

Make a composite of one.

Select the composite (below the ingredients) . A red arrow will appear. Combine the second ingredient.

Quantity: 25 gramsRelevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +87 +/- 5

Composite 2:


Get 10 g Leafy, 10 g Baggus, 5 g SharpGrass

Burn, Crush, Soak, Dessicate Leafy Fully

Burn, Crush, Soak Baggus Fully

Burn, Crush, Sharp Grass fully

Combine as stated above (Make composite of one, then combine other 2)


Toss all ingredients into cauldron.



HELP! Istill unable to pass through. Is the end product suppose to be all in one bowl? That is composite 1 to combine with composite 2 ?

Edited by moon

i got the divination value by adding all the value together and makes +57

but i still cant passed it! do i have to get +52 or +62 instead of +57?


Tehehe im still on level 2, i screwed up the first time by accident.. :*

*waits for ingredient to finish soaking*


This is the one i facing now..


Composite #1:


Special: Spectral Essence

Quantity: 25 grams


Composite #2:


Quantity: 12 grams

Relevant property: Power

Target value: +79 +/- 3

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +79 +/- 3


Composite 2 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient.




Can someone help me on composite #2?


For composite #1 I do as below,


20g(2 lots of 10)Bloodfern Loam - Crushed and Burned to the max


5g Leafy Slorgblossom - Soaked, Crushed and Dessicated to the max


Yey, i just fniished level 2, now im on level 3. * Yeah, i know im behind.. -_-


Can someone help me? I tried one of the techniques on the given site, but it didnt work and the conjuring and power went over the targer.. Can someone give me a solution?


Quantity: 12 grams

Relevant property: Power

Target value: +79 +/- 3

Relevant property: Conjuring

Target value: +79 +/- 3


kay...im still waiting for people to help understand this part of the plot..im still on the level one.*pokes last post oon page 2*


radiance- use jurpleberries and sharpgrass if you ahve it. use desication to raise the jurples to your desired power level and either burn orcrush to get your conjuring number. i know you can use desication on the sharpgrass to raise the power and eihter crush or burn to raise the conjuring, sorry i cant help ya on the conjuring, i had divination the whole time so i know how to do those levels.


Ho no, still stuck at part 2.


Composite #1:


Quantity: 16 grams

Relevant property: Divination

Target value: +43 +/- 5


Composite #2:


Quantity: 25 grams

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +87 +/- 5


Composite 2 cannot contain more than 10 grams of any one basic ingredient


Don't get potion right even with gilbil's help. :*

Ho no, still stuck at part 2.


Composite #1:


Quantity: 16 grams

Relevant property: Divination

Target value: +43 +/- 5


Composite #2:


Quantity: 25 grams

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +87 +/- 5


Composite 2 cannot contain more than 10 grams of any one basic ingredient


Don't get potion right even with gilbil's help. :*

For Composition #1:

1. Take 10g Leafy Slorgblossom soak it til it can't be soaked anymore.

2. Now get 6g Leafy Slorgblossom and do the same (soak)

3. Click the "Make New Composition" for the 10g one

4. Click the picture of the composition you just made - a little red arrow will appear under it.

5. There will now be a "Combine" button under the other Leafy Slorgblossom sample. Click that, and your first composition is done.


For Composition #2:

1. Take 9g Sharpgrass. Desiccate it completely.

2. Take 9g Bagguss Pulp. Desiccate and Crush it completely.

3. Take 7g Leafy Slorgbloom. Desiccate, Soak, Burn and Crush is completely.

4. Click the "Make New Composition" for the Sharpgrass.

5. Click the picture of the composition you just made - a little red arrow will appear under it.

6. There will now be a "Combine" button under the other two samples. Click the one under the Bagguss Plup.

7. Again click the composition you just made, then click the "Combine" button under the Leafy Slorgbloom.


Now all you have to do is click the "Throw it all into the cauldron" button and you're done with level 2!

For Composition #1:

1. Take 10g Leafy Slorgblossom soak it til it can't be soaked anymore.

2. Now get 6g Leafy Slorgblossom and do the same (soak)

3. Click the "Make New Composition" for the 10g one

4. Click the picture of the composition you just made - a little red arrow will appear under it.

5. There will now be a "Combine" button under the other Bumroot sample. Click that, and your first composition is done.


For Composition #2:

1. Take 9g Sharpgrass. Desiccate it completely.

2. Take 9g Bagguss Pulp. Desiccate and Crush it completely.

3. Take 7g Leafy Slorgbloom. Desiccate, Soak, Burn and Crush is completely.

4. Click the "Make New Composition" for the Sharpgrass.

5. Click the picture of the composition you just made - a little red arrow will appear under it.

6. There will now be a "Combine" button under the other two samples. Click the one under the Bagguss Plup.

7. Again click the composition you just made, then click the "Combine" button under the Leafy Slorgbloom.


Now all you have to do is click the "Throw it all into the cauldron" button and you're done with level 2!



Hi, Isabel, can i ask u something?


Pertaining to composition 1 , point 3, does that means i will have to click "Make New Composition" for the 10g one which is at the leafy slorgbloom?


Then at point 5 of composition 1 why is there blumroot, is it i have to open the basic ingredients table?


I feel pretty dumb :* :crying:


Composition #1, point 3: Look at the box for your 10g of Leafy Slorgblossom - near the bottom are the words "Make New Composition", click those


And for point 5 its meant to say Leafy Slorgblossom - sorry! I copy-pasted these instructions from a reply I made earlier to Radiance and she had to use Bumroot. So ignore that - its meant to say Leafy Slorgblossom. I'll change it for you.


Thanks so much, Isabel. I passed level 2 & 3. Now to Level 4,


Composite #1:


Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo

Quantity: 10 grams


Composite #2:


Special: Spectral Essence

Quantity: 23 grams

Relevant property: Conjuring

Target value: +275 +/- 1


Composite #3:


Quantity: 12 grams

Relevant property: Enchantment

Target value: +65 +/- 2

Relevant property: Conjuring

Target value: +101 +/- 2


Composite 3 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient :P

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