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Things we dislike...


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Guest �strophysicist

I hate porno advertisers on the boards. *looks back at the history of V5...*

Yes it happened before, I am just glad a mod quickly deleted the post...

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ewww that is so inappropriately evil in a kids games board! I'm glad I wasn't around back then, but it seems now with the influx of newbies I've found a bit of spam. YUK!!!!! Anyway, what do I dislike? Hmmmm being stupid in how I play neopets :P sometimes I make the STUPIDEST mistakes honestly lol


Oh and in real life...HATE it when your friends pull out of something at the last minute :grrr: now I have to call back disco bowling and change the booking! GAH!

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Ah, I remember all the weird ads that have been placed on these forums. There was somebody doing pharmaceuticals, somebody doing another site and calling TDn shoddy,and the Shoutbox guy/chick/freak.

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Currently - well always really - I hate exams. I know they're meant to test what I know and all that, but um, I don't really feel like I know all that much...


Also not liking restricted entry to the course I want to do next year - they're cutting us down from over 1000 people to less than 150!! So of course its really competitive. And I'm not a competitive person so I don't know how I'll do.

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I HATE people who have a Long Island accent and have no Knowledge of how to use the English language properly!!!!!ERG!!!!! They speak like this...


Tamorrow we'll go ta da moil*mall*! Dere we'll keep walking till we can't shop no more!!!


I also hate stupid girls! The exact kind portrayed in Stupid Girls, by Pink.


I also HATE vinyl McMansions! They're hideous!!!!!!


I also hate smokers! They just kill themselves. At least less and less people are smoking every year.


I could ramble on all day about things I hate, but I don't want to waste your time. :yes: *no offense to any of you that this concerns*

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i hate lindsay lohan and homework and rap and racism and animal slaughter and wars and hate and those mean preppy girls who are such jerks to me and people who go on neopets on the boards and say they have a serious problem when they dont and those girls on neopets that call almost every girl ugly and, how do i say this? those girls who show their femininity all the time. there are more but i can think of them right now but ill post them when i think of them.

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I hate vain, conceited people, snobs, girls that act like biot-ches, like in the movie "Mean Girls", the TV show "My Sweet Sixteen" on MTV, guys that are smart asses, people who whine about the smallest things, and my math teacher.

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