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Anybody else disappointed?


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I don't really feel like there's a plot happening at all. So far, it's a comic with an easter egg hunt in it. There have been no new places to explore, no puzzles, no team efforts - just one new game to play. Even that was disappointing; while it wasn't easy, I still finished it on my first try.

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i personally dislike the relitive ease of the plot, but i actually expect something new this time round in the sense that, now we have a multivore, and terror mountain IS MELTING.... -.^ which makes you wonder exactly what there upto a speech on global climate change? {put that down as a offical theory}

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Awesome theory.... to make some happy maybe the ice melting illudes to a new location being exposed on the mountain? Maybe there are frozen neopets from times past there and this is there way of introducing a new pet or petpet to us? or maybe the ice melting will uncover a secrete cave that has a transdimensional portal to another world!

so many possibilities :3

I am a little disipointed in the plot... i agree that the latest game was not easy but i too completed the task on the first try. i hope we have a npc to defeat in the battledome soon :)

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I think it's too soon to tell if it's going to be difficult or not. So far the plot is pretty boring in my opinion, but I don't really care. I know it sounds super lazy, but I'd rather click on some links and get cool stuff than having to do all kinds of hard things to get cool stuff ;p.


And the games were annoying. (And not so easy, I think.. I'm terrible at games)

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I am not disappointed because I keep my expectations very low.

But I agree with you, it's not exactly exciting or even brain demanding. Point, Click, Collect items. That's pretty much it.

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It could just be a plot to get newbies acclimated to the idea of plots. However, I am of the mind that things are going to get harder. Who knows, maybe this plot is more aimed towards children?

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No, you are not the only one disappointed. I have been playing neopets for 9 years and have participated in many of the plots (I STILL have nightmares about scrolls and sand from the LDP). Even the Altador "mini-plot" at least offered a challenge. If this whole thing is just going to a comic and "click here to get item" then Neopets has truly hit rock-bottom.

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this plot is a distraction and they're planning a huge other plot.


But, maybe not.

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Yeah, I'm disappointed. Should I be? Nope, TNT almost always disappoint me, so why didn't I expect it?


I do like some of the theories I'm hearing about Terror Mountain. It'd be so cool if part of the ice melted to reveal something hidden, like a new pet. :P

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I seriously doubt that it'll stay this easy though.


But it's TNT, so you never know..

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I'm sticking by my 'plot for children' thing lol Simply because...I dunno. It seems as such. Some other plots required a lot of time and mental skills.

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It's more of a point and click plot for newbies. The game missions are difficult but not extremely challenging. The cloud runner was the hardest because it took some time to get a handle on how to move the ship with the air bursts. I got it after about ten minuets though. =]

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