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Since I made my account so long ago none of my pets have really good names. My favorite one was actually one that i adopted from the pound before i new that you could go adopt your own grundo (as you can tell i have had him for years his name is extragrowth i think it fits him). Well I have been trying to come up with a good name for a pet that i want to morph into a rare pet. Well i was very proud of myself when i came up with my new name beareyum. It has sort of two meanings Barium like the metal and i call my boyfriend bearyum all the time. Anyone come up with any good names for there pets that they want to share?


Oh and duh the main reason why i made this post I just adopted a split Kyrii from the pound a little while ago named fairie3. I don't have any transfers open but i could pound her to you.


I'm picky about names. XD I have a few real-word pets but I adopted them all. For 'name' names, I like to go short, like with Jezuri, Iscion, Sorvyn, things like that. Farlingsworth has the longest name out of all of my pets, but I love his name anyway. XD


I also have an Aisha named Psilu; he is actually named for a friend of mine. XD She works at Bath & Body Works. Their newest scent is called P.S. I Love You; she shorthanded it as psilu in chat once and I was like "...hey, that's pronounceable!" I'm hoping to paint him pink to go along with the theme. x3


Edit WOW smiley abuse in this post. I win.


I can come up with names if anyone wants, but they tend to be long. EG: Rocxanne, okay that's all I can remember, but I had 3, and one 5 letter one. If anyone need help naming, I'm here :D


I don't spend a lot of time on names, but I do choose them carefully and try to come up with something original. Sometimes I just come up with them on my own like Aediantia or use 20000 Names and mix them together, like Eponaecea.

I also have an Aisha named Psilu; he is actually named for a friend of mine. XD She works at Bath & Body Works. Their newest scent is called P.S. I Love You; she shorthanded it as psilu in chat once and I was like "...hey, that's pronounceable!" I'm hoping to paint him pink to go along with the theme. x3


Edit WOW smiley abuse in this post. I win.

Awe!! That's really cute :D


When I restarted playing, I picked a theme like Ferocious Ferocity and Tenacious Tenacity (OT: if anyone needs the Mazzew avatar for November, lemme know!). When I got my first side account, the theme was that they would have 'ae' in their name (Baelowe,Mekaerr,Vaeolette). Vaeolette is a mutant usul - so she's kind of a violet color... yeah lol


For my poogle, I have no idea how I came up with Xeplynn, but it was a toss up between that and about four other 'good names'. It was the first one that came to mind, because I knew I had to be fast, but I think she rocks it!


I don't know if any of those count as pretty though LOL


My Neopet's names have to do with their species or (future) color. I put 7 in their names because 7 is my favorite number.


Honote_7, Red Lupe. Hono is flame and te is hand in Japanese. I'm going to paint him fire.

SoraTenshi7, Yellow Pteri. Sora is sky and tenshi is angel in Japanese. I'm going to paint her Faerie and she'll look like a sky angel.

Vasuki7, Green Hissi. Vasuki means snake. In a book my friend wrote Vasuki is the god and father of the winged snakes.

Flamestorm7, Red Lupe. She's named that because at the time I wanted to paint her fire. Now I'm going to morph her into a Red Draik.


I'm not too picky about names. I mean, my permanent pets were made a few years ago and they haven't got really great names. But I love them anyway. :)


I rarely create new pets since I'm more of a casual Neopian, but I do take some time to look through a namelist and see what I like. :)


Meh, I'm not too picky with names :P


I honestly don't mind a FEW numbers if the name is normal *points to current pets*


However, I did give more thought on naming my side pets some decent names like:


Technobirdy - one of my many many nicknames

Gavric - surprised no one had this!

Atzicitlali - supposed to mean "Rain Star" in Aztec. Don't know if I did it right but oh well! xD


These days I am picky, unless I really like the way the numbers are used. I only adopt pets with good names, too.


I thought I was being so clever when I made my first pet (for my current account), but now that I think about it, the pun is rather silly. XD (Midori = green, Ookami = wolf, so I've just merged it into Midookami. Micchin is currently not green nor resemble wolf in anyway, but...) I don't spend much time thinking of names, but I'm usually pleased with my pets' names.


I like to pick names that sound exotic, like with an African vibe, and something completely made-up by me. Except for those pets I get at the pound to use as lab testers! It's a shame when you see a perfectly good pet with horrible names like 123___9899888!


I can make up good names on the spot. I named all of my main neopets, and the majority of all my pets (only two are adopted). I'm very picky with pet names and usually only adopt pets with really good names, unless I plan to adopt from the pound, zap, and pound them back.


I'm usually very picky about names. I can not stand to have numbers in names/sn's.

With my current account I haven't been too-too picky, because it originally started as a co-account between and friend and I for nostalgic purposes, and I really didn't think it would last all too long. My old account though, I spent a longg while settling on a name. When I adopted, once, I partially based my choice off of its name. >___<;;


i spend quite some time on the name of a new pet.. though i regret naming some pets the way i did now loool.


i think the most clever name i came up with was an alias for Chuck Berry .. i named the pet Chunk_Berry :D sadly, i gave the let away to be used as an avatar lending pet


i like to name pets after ppl or films i like: cicero is named after a place in Chicago (the musical), john_lemmonn after lennon, i adopted a pet called leonarrdoh whom i like to think is called after da vinci :P


Alas, having created most of my pets years ago I was not so creative with the name as many as you. So most of my pets have (thankfully numberless) names, but the names often include their original species. Things like 'Koiules'! Not very smart of me, but in my defense, morphing potions didn't exist back then.


I'm not really good with names, but Meghan named my cybunny Almatheya and then gave her to me, and I really love that name. :)

I'm not really good with names, but Meghan named my cybunny Almatheya and then gave her to me, and I really love that name. :)



That's a really pretty name! I like it. :)


Most of my pet names are usually african names, as I like them and they are usually not used. :)


I think I spent a good hour or so picking Frostgleam's name. I haven't done as well with some of my other names, though. On Kiko Day, I kept making mistakes. I gave one of the Kikos away (the one with the name I really liked, but I made him on the wrong account), but the one that I still have, I had accidentally clicked the "create" button, sticking me with a name I didn't really like.


I really wish that TNT would release a "Name Change" item that would allow you to change your pet's name. If there are items that allow you to change your pet's species, gender, or colour, why not have a item that you can use to change their name? It should be a fairly rare item (maybe a Negg), so that people aren't changing their pets' names every week, but so that people can undo the mistakes they make when they name their pets stuff like: Amy_luvs_Jay_furever, JonasBrosRule, or yellow_blumaroo_17.

I really wish that TNT would release a "Name Change" item that would allow you to change your pet's name. If there are items that allow you to change your pet's species, gender, or colour, why not have a item that you can use to change their name? It should be a fairly rare item (maybe a Negg), so that people aren't changing their pets' names every week, but so that people can undo the mistakes they make when they name their pets stuff like: Amy_luvs_Jay_furever, JonasBrosRule, or yellow_blumaroo_17.


It really is a shame when a really gorgeous pet has a terrible name... And sometimes when you spend a lot of time on a name and you really like the name, you can't help but love the pet even if it is not an "expensive" pet.

I really wish that TNT would release a "Name Change" item that would allow you to change your pet's name. If there are items that allow you to change your pet's species, gender, or colour, why not have a item that you can use to change their name? It should be a fairly rare item (maybe a Negg), so that people aren't changing their pets' names every week, but so that people can undo the mistakes they make when they name their pets stuff like: Amy_luvs_Jay_furever, JonasBrosRule, or yellow_blumaroo_17.

I wish they would release something like that too. I don't like x_x_Wolfsbane_x_x's name. I want it to be something like X_Wolfsbane7. Now I don't know what to do.


TNT said that there won't be any way to change your pets' names.

We cannot allow players to rename Neopets because of the functionality and foundation of the site. We would have to take the entire site offline for quite a lengthy period of time (we're not talking hours here...) and do all kinds of funky stuff with the database to do so, which could lead to more problems down the road. So, alas, changing fluffy4343243's name to Sir_Fluffsalot can't take priority over the site running smoothly for everyone else.

Neopets Editorial - Issue: 264; Question #4


I'm pretty picky about my pets' names; I have a lot of fun naming them actually. :P Some of my pets just have names that sounded good at the time, but most have some sort of meaning/thought put into them. I tend to use references to real words in various languages or mythological/literary characters. A couple of examples: my Hissi on my main is Nephaeriuss (pronounced Nefarious). On my oldest side, I have a Hissi named Aspodel (Asp = old word for poisonous snake + Asphodel = plant referenced as a component of the Draught of the Living Dead in Harry Potter), as well as a Mutant Kougra named Omdanne (I created him with the intent of making him a mutant; the name means "to change or alter" in Norwegian.) It's a large part of the reason I don't adopt pets; I'd rather come up with the name myself and create the pet from the ground up. :)


My three main pets are special and unique to my account. and when I adopt, I usually try to adopt something with a cute name. I find it noobish to have a pet with numbers in it or just gibberish

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