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I need some REAL help! (CC)


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Hellloooooo TDN community! You're all so kind and helpful, I've noticed. First off, I'd like to thank all of you who voted for my last CC entry in CC 1050. I got 4th overall.


And now, I'm relying on TDN's help again! I have an entry in the current contest, 1052, that desperately needs votes!


By evanprofane:

Red Jetsam: Wow... are your teeth real?

Purple Jetsam: Yes, they're real! They're actually not mine, but they're real!


My entry was actually editted. Any WoW players out there? I used the undead female quote exactly, since I knew TNT liked WoW. They editted it a little though.


Anyways, if you could PLEASE spare a vote for my entry, it would be so appreciated. To vote, go to http://www.neopets.com/games/caption_browse.phtml and find my entry. Then, if you enjoy my entry, vote for it! Thanks so much! :D

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Thank you for voting in the Caption Competition!


Here you can view the captions submitted for this week's caption competition.

Click here to enter for the current week's caption.




Voted for you :) Good luck!

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It's not about being funny.


I believe that the same people who do the editorial for the NT also do the CC. Therefore, read the editorial and find out what they like. Use it to your advantage, because everyone has a different sense of humor. You have to tailor, per se, your caption to meet TNT's sense of humor.

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Well, it generally helps to keep your captions simple. Short, sweet, right to the point and easy to understand.



Yeah...it does. But I've seen some pretty long ones win as well ;) Anyways. Good luck!

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